However, they were determined not to use traditional methods like discounts, which could reduce their profits.
The solution
In their journey to optimize product page performance and boost conversions, Goldelucks implemented three innovative strategies.
Initially, their product pages featured only the name of the product and some nice, high-quality images of the product above the fold. The description was hidden below the fold.
This layout meant that there was no value highlighted at the top.
This is where OptiMonk’s Smart qatar email list Product Page Optimizer came in. With this tool, Goldelucks added short, benefit-driven descriptions to each of their product pages automatically to improve the above-the-fold content.
Goldelucks optimized their product page with OptiMonk
Highlighting key value propositions above the fold immediately resonated with visitors, and this optimization strategy resulted in a 31.56% increase in orders.
2. Dynamic content optimization
Goldelucks’ next strategy was to implement a highlighted element on the product pages with OptiMonk’s Dynamic Content feature. The goal of this element was to communicate extra information to the visitors.
They tested two different versions.
On the first one, they highlighted the USP: “Unforgettable Gift: Add a confetti explosion with any hamper.”