The smell of fresh apple pie
When creating a successful website, I always keep the physical store in mind. Ultimately, the approach is the same. Physical stores attract customers through their window displays. Professional window dressers are hired for this. The homepage of your website is similar. The first impression is crucial: you only have a few seconds to prove yourself. If you don't do that well, the way to the door or the back button is quickly found. A creative, well-thought-out and distinctive web design is therefore essential to bind people in those first seconds.
Web designers have made it their profession to create a sensory experience. Offline, you can stimulate your customers with a pleasant smell, nice music and friendly service. This experience appeals to the subconscious of consumers, so that they are more willing to take action. Unfortunately, we cannot literally apply this online. Design can make a great contribution to this. Visual appeal contributes to the experience. Good photography can make your mouth water and the choice of the right typography is a feast for the eyes. In other words: the online version of the smell of fresh apple pie .
Attractive typography by Typographer Erik Spiekermann
Eye-catching typography by typographer Erik Spiekermann.
A creative design is worth its weight in gold. But beware: if you do not adhere to the applicable conventions online, you immediately lose the power of the design. Online consumers are a bit allergic to deep thinking. And things that you recognize, you do not have to think deeply about. The next step is to make it as easy as possible for the consumer. To do this, adhere to the applicable conventions. For example, when it comes to the layout of the webshop. Compare it with the pleasant certainty you get in a shoe store. The women's shoes on one side and the men's shoes on the other. Online it works exactly the same.
It is therefore sensible to take into account the netherlands phone data way in which our eyes 'scan' the screen. We do this from the top left corner, in the shape of the letter F, downwards. The visitor orients himself at the top left and looks for confirmation that he is in the right place. So preferably place your logo and tagline at the top left and the navigation horizontally at the top or vertically at the left. We log in and view your shopping cart at the top right and nowadays we have also become accustomed to the footer with background information, FAQ, general terms and conditions and contact information. Even the icons for social media are increasingly given a fixed place. At the top right or in the footer.
Help your customers with their search
In a physical store, employees help their customers find the right products. Online, we have a search function for this, in addition to clear navigation. A functionality that adds a lot of value, but if implemented poorly, it brings down your website. A customer often has difficulty explaining what exactly he is looking for. A salesperson responds to this by listening carefully. Based on this, he gives the advice that suits the customer. A search function is a lot less understanding.