To answer this question, let's first look at a brief definition of B2B content marketing:
“B2B Content Marketing is a marketing tactic aimed at sharing knowledge, skills and experience with the objectives of lead generation, branding and acquiring a thought leadership position.”
From this definition, the roles that social media can fulfill as a marketing tool are as follows:
Sharing knowledge, skills and experience with your target group.
Gaining knowledge and skills in your field.
Helping customers with knowledge, skills and experience.
Allowing customers to help each other by sharing knowledge.
Engage prospects by staying relevant and interactive.
Use of Social Media
That may sound logical, but looking at many of paraguay phone data the social media initiatives of, among others, business service providers, this appears to be disappointing. Many of the tweets, Facebook posts and statements on LinkedIn are simply commercial messages. The result is, depending on: a disappointment!
The low threshold of social media may make them the number 1 used communication channel, but this low threshold is also the biggest challenge. The supply of content is large and refreshes rapidly. You must therefore be distinctively present to make an impact, because followers are not waiting for the 'Unique Selling Points' and product invitations that you have defined.
There is also the challenge of interaction. Your target audience may be at the bottom of the social media user pyramid. Much of the content is created by competitors and consultants. These are also the first to respond to your posts, while you want interaction with the target market.