Among the key tools available to you, we find:

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Among the key tools available to you, we find:

Post by jsarmin »

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a new version of Google Analytics that uses an event-based data model and works across all platforms, unlike its predecessor which relied on cookies. While GA4 was designed to better understand the customer journey by collecting data from websites and apps, it is not GDPR compliant in France.

If you have chosen to launch an AdWords campaign to generate visits, you need to carry out analyses. Know that in your reporting, you have access to multi-device conversions. This allows you to know when a consumer clicked on a link with one device and then bought with an.

Do you want to implement a winning strategy to boost your influence on social networks ? Your success depends mainly on a few healthy habits that need to be adopted urgently. Web marketing can help you with this. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) , or more precisely Key Performance Indicators in French, are formidable tools, capable of measuring and shaping the impact of your digital strategy on a global scale. The choice among the different KPIs is plethora. But don't worry, listing them one by one would be useless and tedious. They intrinsically depend on the objectives you want to set for yourself.

Once your Key Performance Indicators are set up, it will be easier for you to analyze your social networks. This is a pivotal step that will allow you to quantify the traffic on your social networks in order to identify strategies and possible corrections to implement to boost their activity.

Google Analytics , which is unrivaled when it comes to measuring and collecting traffic data from your social networks. To continue with web analysis , you could create a table using Google Sheet or hungary phone data Excel to record the evolution of your data. Based on the information collected, you will be able to have an organized report that will be an anchor point for future improvements. Measuring KPIs is therefore an essential step in your marketing strategy . It is strongly recommended to record them as many times as necessary, if possible at least once a month.

What KPIs for your social networks?
Facebook: First of all, it is essential to gauge the reach and impressions that your publications convey to your contacts. Have they been successful with your fans? All these questions will allow you to either consolidate your marketing strategy or re-evaluate it.
Instagram: The KPIs are very similar to those of Facebook, except for a few details. Once again, it is a question of scrutinizing the number of subscribers as well as its evolution but also of following the engagement rate for each of your publications. Without forgetting of course the mentions and other regrams associated with your account.
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