The attack chain is becoming

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The attack chain is becoming

Post by prisilabr88 »

Becoming more professional to adopting complex playbooks that combine virtual and realworld threats, cybercriminals are comprehensively improving their attack methods and executing more targeted and harmful attacks. Six major trends are expected to emerge after 2025 Trend 1 increasingly more specialized In recent years, cybercriminals have gradually focused more on the reconnaissance and weaponization stages before the attack Left of Boom, making their threat actions more precise and efficient. In the past, many cybercrimeasaservice CaaS organizations provided comprehensive attack toolkits, such as phishing kits and malware. However, Fortinet predicts that these organizations will focus more.

On a certain link in the attack chain and provide more specialized services. Subscribe for free to the Meet Innovation and Entrepreneurship enewsletter to keep up with the latest entrepreneurial news and community dynamics bosnia and herzegovina telegram number Please enter Email Trend 2 The cloud environment has become a new focus of attacks Although edge devices are still the main target of threat actors, the cloud environment is another attack surface that organizations should pay close attention to in the next few years. Although the cloud environment is not a new technology, more and more cybercriminals are showing great interest in it. As most.

Organizations rely on multiple cloud service providers, Fortinet is observing attackers exploiting more cloudrelated vulnerabilities and expects this trend to continue to grow in the future. Trend 3 Automated hacking tools enter the darknet market In todays CybercrimeasaService CaaS market, there are seemingly endless attack vectors and related codes to choose from, such as phishing toolkits and ransomware. RansomwareasaService, Distributed Denial of Service AttackasaService DDoSasaService, etc. Fortinet has already seen some cybercriminal groups using artificial intelligence AI to power its services, and it expects this trend to grow even more. Attackers will use automated content generated by large language models.
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