Subscription and paywalled content

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Subscription and paywalled content

Post by sharminakter »

Different types of Schema markup
Why Schema Markup is Important for SEO
How to generate and test your Schema markup
Let's start with some examples.

Schema Markup Types
Schema markup is code that describes the elements of your website in a language that all major search engines understand. This allows search engines to present users with more comprehensive results.

A how-to markup, for example, tells Google that a specific piece of iran telegram data content is a step-by-step guide. Google can then give searchers a preview of each step on the search results page:

how-to markup
Google understands 32 types of Schema markup :
Here are five common examples of schema and what they look like on the SERP (search engine results page):

Logo Markup
Logo markup tells Google what your logo is, so your correct logo will appear in Google's Knowledge Panel whenever someone searches for your business.

Here's what you get with Logo markup:

Schema logo markup for Knowledge Panel
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