7 Phrases a Call Center Agent Should Never Say to a Customer

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7 Phrases a Call Center Agent Should Never Say to a Customer

Post by chameli »

peech is of enormous importance when we rely on the hong kong whatsapp data telephone to contact our clients and prospects . What we say and how we say it determines the result of our work , so it is necessary to prepare our message properly and in advance so that, when the moment of truth comes, we do not have to resort to improvisation.

For this reason, it is advisable for every telemarketing agent to have a complete script that allows them to make the best decisions in each call. In other words, it helps them both to find the right answers for each situation and to banish bad practices in the exercise of their profession, such as the use of clichés with dubious results.
Yes, the customer may be mistaken or confused. In fact, sometimes their complaint is unfounded or unfair. But we cannot tell them directly as we think, because by doing so we will only create a 'confrontation' where their word is against ours .

At all times, it is important that the operator does not convey the feeling that he is above his interlocutor. Humility is a necessary virtue for this job , since it involves providing a service and the goal must always be to provide a good customer experience .

In these situations where the user is not right, it is advisable to try to convince him of his error with arguments . And if, despite this, we do not succeed, we should never be blunt or make him see that our position is correct. Instead, the best option is to try to find a point of agreement or even show him our willingness to improve his experience.
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