In telephone marketing , communication is limited kuwait whatsapp data exclusively to the spoken conversation between the agent and his interlocutor. Unlike face-to-face or written contact, sound is everything; therefore, specialized companies ( Call Centers ) know well where to focus in order to get to know people better and to draw conclusions with which they can improve their service.
And as a result of this focus, technology has been responsible for providing solutions to help telemarketing . The relatively recent appearance of solutions such as speech analytics has meant a huge qualitative leap for specialized companies to be able to 'mine' valuable information from both what the people they call and their own teleoperators say.
Since then, seven decades have passed and now the so-called interactive voice response (IVR) systems are part of our lives, because they are in mobile phones, speakers, computers, etc. These allow you to interact with applications and programs to request the completion of tasks, answers to questions, etc. Although they are not the only application that voice recognition systems have , because there are also other solutions that facilitate dictation, searching for information by voice, dialing telephones, routing to text and calls, etc.
Speech analytics and how it works
Among them, today we highlight speech analytics . This solution also benefits from other technical advances, such as cloud storage and processing or Artificial Intelligence (AI) . It is responsible for recording the human voice - from, for example, conversations between the agent and the user - to subsequently analyze it and identify patterns that allow information and conclusions to be extracted.