First impression on the internet - how to make it a positive one

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First impression on the internet - how to make it a positive one

Post by olivia25 »

The image associated with the first impression is emotionally marked, which is why it remains in the minds of individuals for a very long time and often determines their behavior towards another person. There can only be one first impression - that is why it is extremely important to come across well during the first contact and thus build a positive self-image.

First impressions are an extremely important aspect of interpersonal contacts – both direct and online. Of course, the specifics of face-to-face contact will be different, where at first we usually evaluate appearance and behavior, and online contact, where the first impression may be based on an evaluation of a read e-mail , analysis of a specific website , or observations related to an online conversation . Nevertheless, it is the first impression that significantly influences the image of a given company, person, or situation that we form in our subconscious.

First impression in the real world
In direct contact, body language is undoubtedly of great importance when assessing the first contact , which consists of posture, the ability to listen actively and attentively, and maintaining eye contact with the interlocutor. In addition, the way we speak will be important - the tone of our voice, contrary to yemen b2b leads appearances, may turn out to be more important than the content of our speech. Therefore, more important than what we say is how we speak. However, it would be wrong to say that the content we have to convey has no significance. Of course it does. However, our posture and intonation are more important.

How to Make a Positive First Impression
Of course, it is impossible to give a clear-cut recipe here, because different issues will be important in the case of a job interview and different ones during a typical private meeting.

It is worth paying attention to:
appropriate clothing for a given situation (we dress differently for a business meeting, differently for a meeting with friends, and differently still for a formal dinner with family)

a calm and pleasant voice, a smile, and politeness are certainly aspects that positively influence the perception of a given person

it is worth remembering that body language is very important when creating an image about us - not only the content of our speech, but also the intonation, careful listening and eye contact will have a favorable effect.

It is also worth always arriving on time for scheduled meetings and, if possible, preparing for them appropriately (for example, by obtaining information about our interlocutor, business partner or key client).


First impression on the internet
It is worth realizing that first impressions do not only apply to direct contact with other people. In cyberspace, we also form associations and set ourselves in a certain way within the first few minutes of contact – whether with a given person or a portal or company website.

On the Internet, our written form is extremely important - we can be judged based on what and how we write. If we run an Internet company - potential customers will certainly assess within a few minutes (and perhaps even seconds) of their stay on the company's website whether the company is worth their interest or not.

That is why it is so important to skillfully create a website for a given institution, as well as other marketing activities that encourage potential contractors to take an interest in a given company. Building a company's image will be of no use if the issues that affect the first impression (for example, a very illegible website with numerous spelling or stylistic errors) have a negative connotation. In the case of online companies, the first impression in terms of e-mail contact is equally important.

If a person interested in a company meets with nice and fast service, comprehensive information and a satisfactory form of a letter - there is a chance that they will decide to buy certain products or services. However, if they are disappointed negatively, it will be difficult to change the image of the company formed at first impression.

Many factors influence the perception and reactions associated with it – emotions, life experiences, associations with similar behaviors or traits. It is worth realizing how important the first impression is in interpersonal relations and professional life and trying to interpret your emotions, behaviors, attitudes – so as to consciously build your image in contacts with other people.
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