Requirements for knowledge and skills of a project manager

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Requirements for knowledge and skills of a project manager

Post by mimakte »

Knowledge and skills of a project manager
A project manager is a specialist who must combine the qualities of a leader, colleague and manager . To effectively perform his duties, he needs not only knowledge and skills, but also personal qualities.

Moreover, the first two points change depending on the area with which the project is related.

A project manager must have the following knowledge and skills :

Strategic and analytical thinking . They are necessary for analyzing the market, competitors, creating a strategy, business ideas and their implementation in practice.

Diplomatic and portugal email list organizational skills , without which it is difficult to negotiate with clients, team members, organize work, and motivate employees.

Higher education in a field related to the project.

Knowledge in related fields that are necessary to quickly solve current problems, overcome emerging difficulties, understand nuances and analyze risks.

Knowledge in the field of psychology . They are needed for the correct distribution of responsibilities in the team, tracking the nuances of behavior and speech when communicating with the customer, obtaining the best conditions for the team's activities.

The ability to work in a multitasking environment , that is, the ability to quickly switch between tasks, resolve emerging issues, and monitor all ongoing processes.

Knowledge of languages, most often English . Project managers constantly work with foreign customers. Knowledge of the language is also necessary for communication with foreign experts. And also for obtaining information from foreign sources.

Knowledge of foreign languages

A creative approach to work . It is important that a project manager be able to think outside the box and generate unique ideas.

The ability to listen and hear , that is, to understand what is needed by both the client and the team and the company's management.

Literate oral and written speech , without which it is impossible to convey information to the client and employees, justify and defend your point of view, and motivate team members.

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Personal qualities that a project manager should have :

Responsibility . This is one of the key qualities, since he is responsible not only for success, but also for failures, not only for his own work, but also for the activities of all members of his team.

Leadership qualities . After all, only a leader with such characteristics can find the right words, motivate employees to work, and lead them.

Stress resistance . During their work, a project manager faces serious emotional stress. At any stage of work, shortcomings and force majeure may occur. Therefore, it is very important to be able to remain calm and not take out their failures and negative emotions on team members.

Communication skills . Since constant communication with customers, colleagues and management is an integral part of the work of a project manager.
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