Recommend podcasts to listen to

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Recommend podcasts to listen to

Post by mdsah5125344 »

Hand out an insider’s dos and don’ts list
Where checklists are common, dos and dont’s give people a quick idea of what to avoid and what to stick with. So you can always tap into this newsletter idea. Or, make lists part of your newsletter theme.

25. Share a tip of the month
If you’re looking for monthly newsletter ideas, this one’s for you. But kuwait mobile phone numbers database there’s a lot more to share on a monthly note than a tip. You can play with sharing a monthly interview, how-to video guide, gated content asset, even free consultation sessions.

James Tennant, Founder of Converge does this well by sharing monthly trending keywords in their TrendingUp newsletter:

tip of the month newsletter idea


26. Share news of your community
Have a Facebook group? Share what people are talking about. Do you host a Twitter chat? Discuss what you’ll be chattin’ about.

It’s a great way to create FOMO (Shh! Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve joined several communities this way — cause FOMO, you know!)

If you’re an avid podcast listener, this is a useful idea. You can share a podcast to listen to, a podcast episode that’s Thor-level worthy to tune into, or even discuss an episode. There are several newsletter ideas here, really!

28. Share what’s up on your podcast
Have a podcast yourself? High-five because that can be one of your newsletter themes. And if you’ve some email copywriting chops, you can drive significant traffic to your podcast.

29. Share your Spotify list
The real purpose of a newsletter is to build relationships. And if music can bring you closer to your readers, why not share your playlist with them!

30. Share new features and how to use them
New and old features that your software offers can both make great newsletter content. Wondering how? By teaching subscribers how to use them.

The Miro team does the same in this newsletter:

new features newsletter idea
You can also take a different approach by creating an explainer GIF like this email does.

31. Create a fav-feature series and loop in employees
This is another of the fun things to put in a newsletter.

But… here’s the interesting bit: instead of tooting your own horn, get your employees/teammates on board to talk about their favorite feature of your software.
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