When we do go to the "office," we usually go to one of the different owner-operated bahrain phone number resource call centers to spend quality time with the team or clients. Additionally, having a workforce allows us to successfully recruit talent from across the board, and if a team member moves to a new location, their job goes with them. The weakness is that telemarketing companies that have never implemented work-from-home may struggle with “how” to approach training, coaching, staff development, and process development. Of course, there are lessons learned with every work-from-home implementation, and a potential weakness in our industry is that a large number of companies will be working from home in a very compressed time span.

Another potential weakness of WFH relevant to our industry is the need to implement policies, procedures, and training that meet data privacy and security, credit card data security, and health information privacy and security requirements. We believe that when these compliance issues are at stake, innovation is bound to occur. Businesses and consumers don’t want critical information compromised—even in a crisis. At qcs we have successfully addressed all data security and privacy requirements of our clients – including our workforce.