How to prepare a PPT presentation to sell software

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How to prepare a PPT presentation to sell software

Post by aktAkterSabiha15 »

How to prepare a PPT presentation to sell software
By Ipanema Communication , June 20

Preparing an effective sales presentation requires more than just a dozen PowerPoint slides and showing up at your client's office with a laptop and a couple of business cards.The quality of your PPT presentations determines whether a prospect buys your software or goes to check out the competition instead. Unfortunately, many software vendors fail to create an effective sales PPT presentation and as a result, miss out on valuable opportunities to close more sales.

That's why, in this article we explain how to prepare a PPT presentation to sell software that really works , that is, that is convincing enough to motivate your potential clients to make a purchase decision.

How to prepare a PPT presentation to sell software
Start with a summary
Many software vendors make the serious mistake of starting their presentations with a ton of information about the company, which undoubtedly ends up being very boring for the viewer.

Start your PPT presentation with a brief summary of the main problems or situations that your potential customers often encounter . A paragraph or two is more than enough.

This approach allows you to immediately capture the prospect's attention and demonstrate your industry expertise. Always remember that your potential customers only want to know how you can help them solve their problems. Skip the corporate speak!

Presentations tailored to your potential client
One of the most common mistakes people make is using a generic presentation and presenting it over and over again to a million prospects .

Your product or service discussion should be tailored to each persona , and you need israel telegram datato always modify and include specific points that are unique to each particular customer.

Show exactly how your software is capable of solving their specific problem . This means it's crucial to ask your prospect questions before you even start talking about your software.

Simplify the content
Keep your slides as simple as possible . Too much text on a slide makes it difficult to read and also makes it lose its impact.


Another important point to keep in mind when preparing a PPT presentation to sell software is the colors to use . Don't get carried away by different colors and transitions that are very common in PowerPoint .

Choose a simple format that won't overshadow your content and use a well-defined structure with titles, subtitles, highlights, graphics, etc.

Set a style
We understand that not everyone is a graphic artist, but if you are about to start preparing your PPT presentations to sell your software it is necessary to learn some basic principles and apply them to your slides :
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