Partly due to ignorance on the subject, partly due to irony, the professional figure of the Social Media Manager (or Social Media Specialist) is perhaps the most mistreated and “overused” in the range of digital jobs that have emerged in recent years.
Riding the annoying wave of “ my cousin could do this job, for a cheaper price ”, Social Media Managers often move within a grey area, where on the one hand employers are not clear about what to expect from this professional figure , on the other the workers themselves often get confused and pass themselves off as SMMs when in reality their field is something completely different.
Well, there's some clarity to be had!
To do this, we will take advantage of the interesting new zealand whatsapp shopping data report published some time ago by PostBeyond : to draw it up, they analyzed more than 1000 advertisements from employers looking for Social Network Specialists on Indeed.
The data they have drawn from it is truly valuable and helps us understand what skills and abilities a self-respecting Social expert should have in 2022, to make their way in the sector and find profitable engagements.
Always from our blog: also read “the skills of the Web Marketing Manager” .
What training should a Social Media Manager have?
Those who want to pursue a career in the Social world often wonder if there is a specific school to attend.
45% of ads – a bachelor's degree is required
Regardless of the fact that today there are courses and master's degrees to become anything and that participation in these training opportunities should arise from a desire to improve oneself in a field that one already knows or at least appreciates - rather than for the hope of finding work in the shortest possible time - it is interesting to note that 45% of the job advertisements scanned by PostBeyond refer to the possession of a degree , whether a bachelor's or master's degree.
Therefore, job advertisements looking for Social Media Specialists rarely ask candidates to show certificates or attestations of participation in sector-related courses: “simply”, they are required to have a degree.
41% of ads – communication skills
In addition to this, the expression “communication skills” appears in 41 % of the advertisements : this means that in all likelihood the most popular fields are degrees in the humanities and sociology.
But also that, given the same number of qualifications to show, preference is given to candidates who can concretely demonstrate that they have already exercised their communication skills , for example by acting as speakers, organizing events, writing texts or managing relationships with a client.
The Most Important Skills for a Social Media Manager Today
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- Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2024 4:06 am