Increase your invoice payments on time by 37% and get paid 14 days faster thanks to InvoiceCloud

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Increase your invoice payments on time by 37% and get paid 14 days faster thanks to InvoiceCloud

Post by aktAkterSabiha15 »

Invoices created in Teamleader Focus and sent via our cloud platform InvoiceCloud get 37% more on-time payments within 14 days faster, compared to invoices sent via email. That translates into more money in less time. It's that simple and that convenient. By getting paid faster, you can invest time and resources into your business more easily. Because by getting more payments on time, you'll spend less time following up on your invoices. And best of all, we've completely revamped InvoiceCloud to further optimize these statistics. We'll tell you more at the end of the article. Now let's talk some numbers. In this article, we use anonymized data from our Teamleader Focus customers to demonstrate why using our InvoiceCloud will help you save time and get paid faster.
Reminder: What is InvoiceCloud?
InvoiceCloud is one of Teamleader Focus' cloud platforms.

Allow your clients to view and pay invoices online . The professional look and feel of the platform inspires trust, and the graphic design matches your company’s style. Most importantly, everything works very fast. Has your client viewed or even paid your invoice? If so, you will receive a notification in Teamleader Focus, and the invoice payment status will automatically change to “Paid”.

Invoice Cloud 03 EN
Let's talk about numbers japan telegram data
3.6 million. That’s the number of invoices sent by Teamleader Focus customers in the last 12 months. Not bad! And the even bigger number? The total amount of all those invoices put together: €9,567,106,561. That’s €9.5 billion worth of invoices. Roughly the GDP of Benin or Chad. Impressive, right?


With a quick operation, we estimate that the average invoice amount is €2,500. However, the average invoice is €340. Therefore, Teamleader Focus customers mainly send invoices for smaller amounts.

However, the average time to receive payment of the invoice is one month, and we are convinced that it should and can be faster.

Speed ​​up the checkout process!
In one of our previous updates, we talked about how a process for preparing budgets
helps you sell twice as fast.
So it's no surprise that an efficient billing process achieves similar results.

If we start counting from an approved budget: 40.9 days pass between the closing of the sale and the creation of the invoice.
On average, the payment period for an invoice is 17.5 days. That equates to 58.4 days until the invoice is due.
However, only 47.4% of invoices are paid on time! The average time between a won sales opportunity and invoice payment is 69.3 days.
When we look at overdue invoices, payment is made 41 days after the due date.
As you can see, receiving payment
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