However, this doesn't make the task of choosing a marketing agency any easier. In fact, with more options, it may become more complicated. When there is so much to choose from, how do you know if you are choosing the best?
Reading this article on a digital marketing agency's blog, you might expect to find a post with all the reasons why Mauna Media is the agency for you. But nothing could be further from the truth. We are not the best agency for everyone, just as not all agencies are the best for you.
The best digital marketing agency for you
No matter how famous a digital marketing agency is and how much you admire their work, that doesn't mean that it's the best marketing agency for you.
To choose a marketing agency you need to thoroughly understand your needs, as well as the resources you have available.
Although it may seem obvious, the first thing you should evaluate is whether you really need a digital marketing agency . If the answer is yes, take stock of what you have developed in terms of digital marketing:
What do you have in terms of your team's strengths?
What have you done so far in the digital world, how is your website and other channels: do you have an email database? Do you keep your social networks and blog up to date?
Also, keep in mind what your business goals are and how you plan to achieve them through digital marketing. Think about what your priorities are and what it means to you to see positive results from a marketing strategy.
In order to lay the foundations for this search for the best digital marketing agency, it is necessary to define two more legs of the table. These legs are, on the one hand, the time you have available to start seeing results and, on the other hand, the budget you have.
With this information in hand, you are ready to go out and find your marketing agency, but before you make your first list, there are several aspects you should consider. Let's take a look at them.
Define what type of agency you are looking for
At the beginning of this article we already mentioned that there are many types of digital marketing agencies. Below we summarize some to help you choose:
Generalist & Specialist. If you're looking for an agency that will handle only a specific part of your marketing, such as SEO or social media, you may want to go with an agency that's known for those services you're looking for. However, if you want an agency that will handle a good portion of your marketing strategy, you'll probably want to go with a generalist agency.
Creative & niche agency. There are many agencies that place a lot of importance on the creative aspect and, therefore, the professionals they hire stand out in this aspect. Others, on the contrary, instead of focusing on the creative, focus on knowing how to reach a certain type of client. Reflect on which of these two approaches benefits you the most at this time and choose the path that best suits you.
Global, regional & local. Where are the clients you want to reach? In your city, your country, continent, the world? Depending on your answer, you will be better off approaching one agency or another.
Big vs. small. The battle between gambling data vietnam big and small agencies is always present. Small agencies will say that they have a more personalized approach, pay more attention to details and care more about customer results. On the other hand, large agencies will say that they have more resources and more and better talent to carry out campaigns.
Study their website
A digital marketing agency's website will often highlight its strengths. So if you're looking for an agency that can help you improve your SEO, make sure they talk about this on their website.
In addition to the design, check that the website is easy to navigate and user-friendly, so that it is not difficult for you to find what you are looking for.
A digital marketing agency’s website is the first place to start looking for references. Look for references to clients and past work, to see who they’ve worked with and what the results have been.
Do a little research
Clearly you can't just rely on what the agency says about itself. So do a Google search and social media search to check out what online references exist for each agency.
You may find comments from previous clients on social media that could be of value to you. Also, since you already have the names of previous clients based on what you have seen on the website, you can try to contact them and even check their online presence.
Go to the real world
As much as the online world is full of information, there's nothing like a live meeting to get to know a person (and in this case, an agency).
Once you have contacted your potential agency, ask for a meeting in person, via Skype or any other tool that will allow you to meet the person who will be behind your campaigns.
A meeting will be very useful for both you and the agency, as you will both be able to express your expectations and start speaking the same language.

The relationship with a digital marketing agency is expected to be a long-term one, so it is important that it is close and trustworthy. The relationship must be based on transparency, so it is important to make clear what is expected of each of the parties, even at this point when the agency has not yet been definitively selected.
Look for consistency
Is what they say on their website consistent with what they say in person? Is their track record consistent with the results they deliver? Are the results and timelines they offer consistent with their track record?
Organize all the information you've gathered about the agencies that seem most interesting to you and make sure it all makes sense.
In summary
The best digital marketing agency will be the one that adapts to your needs and can meet your expectations.
Think carefully about what you want to achieve, the resources you have ( know-how of your team, time, budget) and the resources you need (larger team, technical knowledge and tools, etc.). With this in mind and what we have described in this article, you will be able to define the type of agency you need and, once this is done, you will be able to draw up a first list that you will then refine.