Selling Furniture Online: How to Make Your Business Successful with Advertising Campaigns

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Selling Furniture Online: How to Make Your Business Successful with Advertising Campaigns

Post by mdsakilmdsak0987 »

The furniture sector has an extremely interesting potential on the web: some characteristics mean that, compared to what happens in other product sectors, there are decidedly higher profit margins that make online campaigns particularly convenient. Let's see how to move effectively in the promotion of this sector.

Those who work with furniture know that online sales have never been very developed. Both a question of mental habit and the problem of shipping costs have always weighed, particularly high for bulky and heavy objects such as a table, a wardrobe, a bed.

As with many sectors, however, things are changing quickly here too and today furniture e-commerce australia phone number list sites are often moving successfully in the world of the web.

Whether there is an e-commerce or simply the desire to promote in-store sales, let's see why and how it is convenient to implement specific advertising campaigns also for the furniture sector.

Furniture on the web: how to promote it?
As already mentioned, this sector has always had many resistances towards online. In particular, a consolidated sales model (based on physical display in showrooms) and the fear of shipping costs have had an impact.

The consequence is that, nowadays, promoting and selling furniture and accessories on the web is certainly convenient for at least three excellent reasons:


Even though this sector, like others, has finally landed online with the pandemic, the competition today is still not comparable to that of other sectors. On the other hand, online offers large profit margins (and this is why so many new players land online every day).
Profit margins on furniture sales are higher than in other sectors. This allows you to invest interesting amounts, without sacrificing the profitability of the operation. Other sectors, however, have to deal with all the difficulties that arise from low margins.
Finally, these are products that lend themselves well to being promoted online due to the great visual impact they have. From this point of view, the Performace max campaigns are ideal for highlighting the aesthetic aspect of the products.
To move effectively it is essential to take care of both SEO aspects and advertising campaigns, and to do so both on your own site and in your shop on Amazon (when present) and/or on other chosen platforms.

Speaking of general advertising, however, the greatest potential in terms of sales margins lies in Google Ads. In particular, campaigns with text ads on the Google search network and Performance Max campaigns are interesting and can lead to double-digit increases in sales. Provided, however, that some fundamental principles are respected:

A sufficient budget to compete effectively;
A technically well-structured, usable, conversion-oriented website;
A careful choice of the items to promote, which should be those with the highest margins (except for specific strategies, such as the use of decoy products or similar).
Text Ad Campaigns
There are many experiences that highlight how text ad campaigns on the search network bring real benefits in the sale of furniture and home objects. This type of campaign can help a small manufacturer (even a craftsman), a retailer, as well as a large brand.

To be effective, this type of campaign must be able to intercept those customers who are looking for exactly the product offered: the keywords can therefore play on the name of the product, the brand or very specific characteristics.

To optimize these campaigns it is important to make the most of all the opportunities offered by the platform:

the different extensions available;
an accurate selection of the ad target (also through keywords);
the ability to create ads specific to mobile searches.
Through the right optimization process, a campaign of this type can achieve excellent results in just a few months, with significant feedback already within a few weeks.

Performance Max campaigns for furniture
As we have already written, Performance Max campaigns are very well suited for advertising home objects and furniture and are certainly the most appropriate choice (especially when there is an e-commerce).

However, Max Performances have a completely different setup than the others: in particular, since it is not possible to indicate the keywords, it is necessary to rely more on Google's selection algorithms and this could give the investor less possibility of control and optimization over time.

This is why it becomes important to focus on all the aspects that we can, instead, manage to maximize the final ROAS of this type of campaign.

Given the importance that this type of campaign has for this type of business, we have decided to collect below a series of tips to keep in mind when setting up a Google Performance Max ad campaign for the furniture sector.

Fill in the “Title” and “Description” fields of the products carefully
Google si basa principalmente su questi due campi per selezionare gli articoli da mostrare in risposta alle ricerche degli utenti; quindi è sempre consigliabile essere molto specifici.

Ricordate di fare descrizioni dettagliate del prodotto, indicando anche dati come le dimensioni, il materiale o il colore. Google stesso mette a disposizione linee guida piuttosto corpose con i consigli di compilazione.

Non è una buona idea, invece, inserire qui dati relativi a sconti e promozioni, che andrebbero gestiti tramite i campi appositi.

Utilizzare i tag per sconti e promozioni
Aggiungendo promozioni e sconti nel modo corretto, questi vengono evidenziati nell’annuncio e portano a un CTR decisamente maggiore. L’indicazione dello sconto è infatti un potente richiamo per il cliente potenziale, da sempre.

Articolare le campagne shopping in diversi gruppi di annunci
Un errore molto comune è quello di inserire tutti i prodotti del merchant center in un unico asset.

Questa opzione, se da una parte rende molto rapida la creazione delle campagne, dall’altra non permette di analizzare nel dettaglio i risultati o di ottimizzarle efficacemente.

È corretto, invece, organizzare le campagne in diversi asset proprio come si farebbe con una campagna di altra tipologia.

Un approccio molto efficace, poi, è il cosiddetto SPAG, o Single Product Ad Group. Si tratta, in altre parole, di creare gruppi di annunci separati per ogni singolo prodotto, così da monitorare effettivamente come quest’ultimo sta performando.

Lavorare su tutte le estensioni applicabili
Proprio come avviene nelle campagne di annunci di testo, in generale tutte le estensioni di annuncio permettono di migliorare il CTR. Per un settore come quello dell’arredamento, le estensioni applicabili possono essere:

le promozioni;
l’estensione Local Inventory, che indica i prodotti disponibili localmente nei negozi fisici;
Le valutazioni del prodotto (product rating extension). Questa estensione può rivelarsi davvero preziosa quando si parla di prodotti dal costo unitario elevato, come gli arredi.
Impostare al meglio il tracking delle conversioni
Il tracking delle conversioni permetterà sia a chi gestisce la campagna che agli algoritmi di Google di agire in modo consapevole ed efficace in tutte le azioni di ottimizzazione.

Proprio perché questo genere di campagna è maggiormente automatizzato rispetto ad altri, il tracking delle conversioni diventa ancora più importante per permettere alla campagna di migliorare nel tempo.

In conclusione…
Non ci sono davvero motivi per i quali un’azienda del settore arredamento dovrebbe stare lontana dall’advertising online. Al contrario, strutturare delle buone campagne ads può portare a incrementi notevoli delle vendite.

Anyone who deals with marketing in this sector should therefore approach online advertising with determination, if only to avoid losing an increasingly important and profitable market share…

Lucy Emiliani
Operations Marketing Manager. I help companies achieve their goals through advertising strategies aimed at generating new leads and paying customers online.

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