Why invest in an online store?
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about many important changes, such as our consumer habits. Online shopping has skyrocketed and many companies have been forced to adapt to this new normal.
According to the IAB Spain band phone number data E-commerce Study 2021, in Spain 23.8 million people - 76% of Internet users - are already online shoppers. Users who buy online 3.8 times a month , while in 2020 they did so 3.5 times/month and 3 times a month in 2019.
Many online stores are no longer just another sales channel, but have become the main source of income for many companies. For this reason, and believing that creating an online store is easy, some businesses have taken the plunge into “digital”.

But the reality is that if we want our ecommerce to be professional and work, we should put ourselves in the hands of experts and hire a good online store design service .
how to create an online store
Advantages of an online store
Below we explain the main advantages that online stores offer compared to physical stores:
Open 24×7: One of the main advantages of having an online store is that you will be accessible to your customers every day of the year at all hours. Without time restrictions.
Greater visibility: We can be visible to all types of audiences and from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.
No geographical limitations: you can sell anywhere in the world and manage sales flexibly at any time and from anywhere.
Simple sales: For the customer, the purchasing process (provided it is designed correctly) is quick and easy. This makes sales much easier.
Cost reduction: the initial investment for an online store is lower than that for a physical store. Online sales allow us to reduce the costs of physical stores, such as renting premises, staff or purchasing stock.
Marketing actions: through the data we receive and analytical tools, we can study the behavior of our clients, plan actions and focus more effective campaigns.
online store process
Steps to follow to create an online store
Once you are clear that you want to invest in an online store, you should answer some key questions such as these:
What is the competition?
Knowing who your main competitors are, what they offer and how they work will help you when creating your project. Among other things, you will be able to detect their weaknesses and take advantage of the opportunity to improve their offer.
What is your target?
Focus your online store on the market that really interests you, do a study of where they are and what they are looking for. This way you can focus on their needs.
What platform are you going to use to create your online store?
This is one of the most common questions we receive as a web design company. There are different platforms for creating online stores, the most well-known being: PrestaShop, Shopify, Magento or with the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress .