Essilor is the world’s largest ophthalmic lens manufacturer and does business in a wide range of markets around the world. However, it has historically suffered from fragmented products and inconsistencies between regions. Ibexa DXP helped the company bring together its 75 multilingual sites across 22 markets and enabled them to publish consistent content across all sites.
Ibexa DXP also provided Essilor with better italienische handynummer whatsapp access to its end users. With Essilor, the customer journey is the perfect example of a complex B2B organisation. Essilor works with and sells its lenses to opticians across Europe, who then retail them to consumers. In this sense, Essilor is a B2C2B company. Ibexa DXP enables Essilor to inform consumers about its products and lead them via an online locator to its nearest retail stores and book appointments directly through its website.
You can read more about Ibexa DXP and Essilor in our success story .
What's next?
If you're interested in learning how Ibexa DXP can help your business ensure consistent branding across your content, customer experience, and digital commerce operations, we'd love to talk to you. You can also check out our Ibexa DXP product page or dig deeper into our collection of case studies .