Since April 2021, there has been a lot of talk about the Cupertino company's new operating system update, which has strengthened its protection of user privacy.
So, what happened to Facebook Ads after Apple's updates?
iOS14 and the latest Facebook Ads updates opt in opt out
In fact, the company with the release of the iOS 14.5 operating system has released the germany phone number library ATT (App Tracking Transparency), which asks users for consent to apps that intend to track usage, navigation on the app to share them with third parties and/or data brokers (cross-app and cross-domain tracking).
Among the applications affected by this update is also Facebook, the most used social networking platform in the world, the subject of many advertising campaigns by digital marketers around the world.
Given the important role that Facebook & Instagram have in digital advertising campaigns, we thought it would be useful to share with the Lead Champion community the changes and practical implications of this update on lead generation processes.
Let's get started!
1. Will Apple's update affect my Facebook advertising campaigns?
Before getting alarmed, it is necessary to do a preliminary analysis to understand if this update will significantly affect your audience or if it involves a small part of it. To verify this, it is necessary to analyze the dashboard on Google Analytics and see how many users who visit our site and click on Facebook ads use Apple mobile devices.
2. Can you force app users to consent to tracking?
nudging users the power of nudges in lead generation
There is no way to bypass the tracking consent process, but you can incentivize it, as with other Apple features, by inserting a notification before the tracking request, where it is recommended to press allow for a better user experience, for example. This obviously only applies to proprietary apps.
3. What happens when the user opts out and does not allow data tracking?
In this case, the Facebook Tracking Pixel will not be able to do its job properly and your audience targeting options will be limited, resulting in fewer opportunities to segment your audience and less personalized content.