This is one of the best ways to attract more followers on social media and increase engagement. It can also lead to a significant increase in sales.
Why? Because people who didn't win the product probably still want it. So they might buy it. Even if only 20 people buy your product because of the giveaway, you'll still make money even if you send one person the product for free.
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25. Use Perfect Popups on Your E-Commerce Site with Hello Bar
Pop-ups can help you generate more leads, conversions and increase your e-commerce sales for your marketing campaign. Hello Bar can help, as we have already explained.
Try different types of popups to ensure you get the most out of Hello Bar. For example, an alert might work better than a page grab.
Use Perfect Popups on Your Ecommerce Site with Hello Bar
26. Consider using paid social media advertising for your eCommerce marketing strategy
Sure, spending money on advertising is unpleasant, but it can also provide a great return on investment. Facebook and Instagram are two of the most popular social advertising networks.
Start with a small amount, then increase it. Spend based on results. And don't forget to narrow your target audience as much as possible.
27. Consider using contextual advertising in search engines
PPC search engine advertising can work just as well. You can even advertise in Gmail now if you want to get into people's inboxes without email marketing.
28. Consider social media influencer marketing
Influencers don’t have to be expensive. If you don’t want Kim Kardashian promoting your product, you can find niche influencers who charge a reasonable amount. You can even use an influencer marketing platform to identify and connect with influencers who are a perfect fit for your brand.
Some will even promote your product for free if they like it. Consider sending free samples to influencers in your niche.
29. Use retargeting ads! They are very effective!
Retargeting ads use a pixel on your site that tells the ad network that a user has visited your site. The ad network then targets that user with an ad for your product.
Facebook retargeting ads are irresistible. Because it has a large audience, Facebook can introduce your brand to a huge number of people. Plus, you can narrow your audience quite a bit, so you spend less money.
30. Run contests to attract subscribers and also promote your e-commerce products.
Run contests to attract subscribers and also promote your e-commerce products.
Contests can work just as well as giveaways. Ask people to submit user-generated content to your social channels or via email to enter. You'll feature your favorites and send them free gifts for entering.
Just remember that there are certain rules to follow when organizing contests, so be sure to check with the platform and take into account the rules of the countries the participants live in. If you prefer giveaways, which have much fewer rules, then this may be the way to go.
31. Constantly A/B test your calls to action and pop-ups
Use Hello Bar to make sure you're sending the right messages whatsapp kuwait at the right time. For example, create two exit intent popups with different CTAs . Then automatically show them to equal parts of your audience.

Running ongoing A/B tests gives you data that you can use to inform the rest of your ecommerce marketing campaign.
In other words, once you have a "winner" for your exit intent test, run another test with that exit intent against another. This time, test the headline or body copy.
32. Offer the best customer support in your industry
Offer the best customer support in your industry
Want more money? Be close to your customers.
Respond to emails, social media questions, and other messages within 24 hours. If you can respond within two hours, do so.
If someone asks for a refund, consider it. You don't want to irritate people who might spend money at your store in the future. In many cases, being lenient is cheaper in the long run.
Most importantly, respect your customers. No, they are not always right, but they are always people.