A message is 5x more likely to be seen in an email than via Facebook.
Email is 40x more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.
Every $1 spent on email marketing generates a $38 ROI.
Email marketing drives higher conversions than any other marketing channel, including search engines and social media.
Luckily, there are many simple ways to build a healthy email list.
And by “healthy email list,” we mean a list mobile number data full of people who are actually interested in your products. Maintaining a healthy email list is referred to as email hygiene, and it involves:
Regularly cleaning up your list of inactive subscribers. Remember, they’ll drag down the overall performance of your email marketing campaigns (e.g. by lowering your open rates and click-through rates).
Segmenting your list (dividing your subscribers based on factors such as location, job, interests, etc.).
Only sending your subscribers high-value, relevant content.
So what’s the best way to start building your list? Check out some of the proven strategies below.

1. Put a subscription box in your footer
Add a newsletter subscription box to the footer of your website. If a visitor wants to subscribe, that’s usually the first place they’ll look.
Newsletter subscription box at the footer of a website
2. Use subtle sidemessages
You can also promote your newsletter using a sidemessage. A sidemessage appears on the right or left side of your page and follows your visitor as they scroll down the page, making it hard to miss.
A sidemessage means that you won’t disturb visitors while they’re scrolling or viewing a product on your site.
You can use OptiMonk’s sidemessages to segment visitors and target them more effectively based on their location or interests.