The ideal recipe for the digital workplace 

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The ideal recipe for the digital workplace 

Post by arzina566 »

Harder than it seems
But putting people at the center of your process is not always easy. Monique van de Beek, community manager at the Consumers' Association, took us through the process of the birth of SAM. This is the internal platform of the Consumers' Association. They implemented this Embrace platform after extensive research together with the employees.

Monique told us that after the birth of SAM, they encountered a lot of resistance from employees. Despite involving employees in the process. “Yet another new program?” was the reaction. This was followed by a process of optimization. Collecting feedback and adjusting. A product can be very well developed, but if employees do not embrace your product, it will never be an immediate success.

Going live is just the beginning. – Aaron Stafford, CTO at 5CA

Also read: 9 striking trends for the digital workplace
These cases clearly demonstrated the importance of a well-thought-out adoption process when introducing a new solution to an organization.

Evelien Habing and Arjan Nataraj from Mixit shared the ideal recipe for the digital workplace. How do you ensure success with the right ingredients? Adoption & Change is one of these ingredients. Take your employees along in the wheel of change. Make sure they know that there is something new. Motivate them to use the new solution. Support germany telegram data them where necessary, but let them work independently. Make sure they continue to use it, in the right way, that suits them.

So it is important to think carefully about your adoption approach. But you don't have to think about this approach again and again. Evelien Habing, Digital workplace consultant at Mixit, told us that an adoption path can be designed and used in such a way that you can also use it for other purposes. This has two advantages:


You don't have to reinvent the wheel of adoption for the change process every time.
Employees recognize how they are going through changes and thus know better what to expect. 
Continuous improvement needed
During the keynote by Saskia Nijs, CEO at Setup, it also became clear that it does not stop at inventing and introducing technology.

The digital workplace is not a finite project, but something that requires continuous improvement.
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