Damage of Reputation. If your business is the subject of negative press, it’s no surprise that your reputation is likely to be tarnished by the event. Depending on the scale of the brand error, companies can lose loyal followers, investors and even their pot within the industry. Whether it’s one product being questioned or the whole business is embroiled in scandal, it’s vital that a brand acts fast when targeted with negative press.
A Drop In Revenue. If a product or service is wrongly db center whatsapp number promoted or negatively spoken about in the press, your brand is likely to see a drop in sales. This could lead to an overall decline in revenue.
Loss of Trust. Losing loyal customers is usually the last stage of a negative PR storm. These are your cheerleaders, and they are usually the ones who will hang on until the company begins to sink. While trust takes years to foster among consumers, it’s important to know that you can lose it in a moment.
While reputational damage is common when a brand is under fire from the press, fast thinking and positive crisis management can aid it in weathering the storm.
The question is, could you take negative branding one step further? Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways you can turn negative PR into a branding success. And a few brand examples leading the trend forward.