100s: Information codes : the server recognizes the request initiated by the browser and that it is being processed (100-199).
200s: Success codes : request received, understood, processed and expected information sent to the browser (200-299).
300s: Redirect codes: A different destination was substituted for the requested resource; further browser action may be required (300-399).
400s: Client Error Codes: The website or page free whatsapp number canada could not be reached; the page is unavailable or there was a technical problem with the request (400-499).
500s: Server Error Codes : The request was accepted, but due to an error the server was unable to fulfill the request (500-599).
Let's take a closer look at the various categories:
HTTP Status Codes 100
The request is still pending.
100: Continue. Requested header received and accepted, server is ready to receive request body.
101: Switching protocols. Your browser requests a protocol change, server complies.
102 : Processing. Request received and in progress. Response not yet available.
103 : Early hints. The server provides some response headers that allow resources to be preloaded while the rest of the response is loaded.
HTTP Status Codes 200
The request was successful and the browser received the information.
200: Everything OK . The request was successful and is defined by the HTTP method used, as in the following examples:
GET: Resource obtained and is in the message body
HEAD: Headers in the message body
POST or PUT: Resource describes the result of the action sent in the message body
TRACE: Message body contains the request message as received
201: Created . Request satisfied; new resource created. Typical response after POST requests.
202: Accepted . Browser request accepted, still in progress. May or may not succeed.
203: Non-authoritative information . The information comes from a proxy server that received a 200 "OK" status code.
204: No content . The request was processed, but no content was sent. Headers can be helpful.
205: Reset content . Like status code 204, but tells the user to reset the document view.
206: Partial content . If your browser uses "range headers", this code informs you that only part of the resource was sent.
226: IM used . The server completed a GET request; the response reflects instance manipulations.
The Different Types of HTTP Status Codes
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