Before we begin listing the best customer attraction strategies, it is important to emphasize that for a business to work effectively, quality is required, not quantity. You may carry out campaigns in which you get 1,000 new customers in the first week, but that effort will be useless if none of those 1,000 are interested in buying from you. Therefore, the first thing is to know how to attract them; after that, apply effective conversion strategies.
To attract more customers you need to have a deep knowledge about your linkedin database and your company. Take note:
►1. Know your business and industry
Ask yourself this question: do you really know everything about your industry or sector? In business, it is essential to know where you operate, so you can take more solid steps. And although you are an expert in your product or service, you may not know 100% of the uses that your consumers can give it.
A customer will be more attracted to a leading brand that dominates its industry, as it will be the company they can turn to all the time for answers and products or services that interest them. Therefore, keep yourself updated on everything your brand is capable of achieving; this way, more people might become interested.
Everyone loves freebies. Your business also has the opportunity to attract new customers in exchange for something that may be valuable to them. For example, if you want to position yourself as a leader in your industry, start by providing them with up-to-date and relevant information about your product or service as it applies to their sector.
To attract the attention of new users, use blogs, ebooks, webinars, market statistics, among others. At the same time that they get the information that interests them, you also get something of great value: their data. Once you have basic information such as their name and email, the process of making them fall in love can begin.
►3. Identify who your consumer is and where they are
A business that aims to give a message to all types of users is a business that is wasting time and effort. Traditional marketing focused on everyone and while it achieved a few approaches, the strategies, despite being correct, were not directed at the public that would be interested in seeing the product.
Don't let it happen to you!
The more knowledge you have of your audience, the better strategies you can implement. As we have already said, it is useless to attract 1,000 customers if none of them are going to buy from you. Perhaps knowing a large part of who your customer is requires a great deal of analysis. However, the effort will be worth it all, since you will understand what they want, desire, what their needs and preferences are.
Look at it this way: there are two types of grooms at weddings. The first are the ones who can be given anything, as they didn't create a specific list of items they want; the second, on the other hand, provided a series of gift options and places to get them on the invitation.
When it comes time to buy a gift for the first couple, you'll simply be at a loss for what to do, as you'll be faced with a store full of options. Maybe a vase would be a good idea, but do they really need one? What if they already have one? With the second couple, you'll just have to look at the list they gave you, see what you can do, and make your purchase based on what they do want and need.