This is the first in a series of posts about books that individual salespeople and managers should read. The books are listed in no particular order.
Exactly what to say: the magic words for influence and impact.
By Phil M Jones.
I was just introduced to this book earlier this year. I think it's a book every salesperson should read. Jones provides incredibly simple yet highly effective takeaways on simple phrases any salesperson can incorporate into their everyday selling that open the doors to deep conversations with buyers. Including phrases that help you understand and effectively controlling directors email list respond to objections, as well as thoughtfully challenge a buyer's perspective (including one of my favorites that you can use to help your buyers visualize what success would look like for them).
Sell Differently!: All the New Sales Differentiation Strategies to Outsmart, Outmaneuver, and Outsell the Competition
By Lee Salz
The title says it all. Sell Differently. To sell differently, you have to think differently. It starts with understanding that HOW you sell is just as important as WHAT you sell. And as Salz writes, this sales difference leads to knowing how to win more deals at the prices you want when the differences between your products and your competitors’ are minimal. Lee details a buyer-centric sales approach that puts the buying experience at the center of your sales efforts. Which is just as it should be.
Technology-Driven Sales: Achieve Superhuman Sales Skills
By Tony Hughes and Justin Michael
In their book, Tony and Justin make a series of bold predictions about the future of B2B sales and the skills and abilities that AEs of the future will need to have. And then they provide a detailed roadmap for today’s salespeople to follow to acquire and master these same skills. In the process, they outline a new aptitude that salespeople need to acquire. You’ve heard of EQ (emotional intelligence), RQ (relational intelligence), CQ (curiosity quotient), DQ (decision intelligence), and more. Tony and Justin introduce the reader to TQ (technical intelligence), what it means, and why, as a salesperson, you need it.
Decision Intelligence Selling: Transform the way your people sell
By Roy Whitten and Scott Roy
I know, the title makes it sound like a book for managers. Of course it is. But the main lessons in this book are aimed squarely at the individual salesperson.