All companies that pay training contributions receive annual aid in the form of a credit assigned to use for training their workers, and the total or partial cost of the courses can be deducted from the monthly payments made to social security for social contributions.
Currently, there are many companies and organizations that manage the operations of the tripartite foundation's credits, carrying out the administrative procedures for registration, communication of the end of the courses and all the associated documentary and administrative management.
However, with the company's digital certificate, it can access the platform and manage everything related to the subsidy of the courses through the Tripartite Foundation credits, although the management by the company itself can be a little complex, since the information requirements to receive subsidies for the courses are not few and the management of the platform, without being excessively complicated, does require consultation of the extensive manual that the Tripartite Foundation makes available to users of the platform.
Any training activity that is related to the activity carried local marketing email list out by the company and is aimed at the acquisition and improvement of the professional skills and qualifications of employees, and meets the requirements of duration and limits of participants established in the regulations, may be subsidised .
How to calculate the credit available to the company?
The credit can be calculated without a digital certificate through the simulator that the Tripartite Foundation makes available to users of its website, although if you access the company's data with a digital certificate you can directly access the credit assigned to the company. The credits used will be deducted from the contributions to be paid to social security by the company's employees.
To calculate the maximum credit , contributing companies must apply the following bonus percentages to their quota paid in the previous year:
Companies with 6 to 9 employees: 100%
Companies with 10 to 49 employees: 75%
Companies with 50 to 249 employees: 60%
Companies with more than 250 employees 50%
In the case of companies with 1 to 5 employees, a fixed credit of 420 euros is established.
All companies that pay for Vocational Training, regardless of their size and date of creation, have a minimum training credit of 420 euros .