According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), there are around 5 million companies in Mexico, of which more than 90% are SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).
That is, economic units that carry out any type of activity, whether production, provision of services or marketing, which makes them a fundamental part of the economic engine of our country.
If you own one of them, congratulations! You are contributing to strengthening the national economy. That is why I am writing this article, to support you in being successful and knowing how to take advantage of the digital tools that are at your disposal.
The entrepreneur is not yet a businessman, he is the dream of the former; the businessman has ceased to be a dream, he is action and movement.
Nowadays, it is impossible to achieve your business goals without including an online marketing strategy in your SME business plan, regardless of whether you sell products or market services, since the present and future of all companies goes hand in hand with the Internet.
Tips for SMEs
Online marketing covers a wide spectrum of possibilities that include different tools, each with a specific purpose, but which are within reach of those who, like you, want to take their SME to new and better horizons.
Online marketing has one very clear goal: to build and maldives business email list maintain a strong online presence.
Below are some easy-to-apply tips for SMEs to kick-start your career by leveraging digital technologies:

1. Create a website for your SME . Invest in buying a domain, it's like registering your company, but on the web.
This way, your buyers will be able to find you easily and only you will be able to use that URL with the name of your SME.
There are providers with a lot of experience to help you in this process and can even design the site for you or, if you prefer, guide you on how to do it yourself.
2. Include a blog on your site . Provide a space where you can upload information and publish various materials that contribute to building prestige and credibility, because what buyer doesn't like to be sure that they are hiring or buying products from a supplier specialized in their field.
In addition, the blog will allow the most used search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, etc., to direct people to your website, since a fundamental part of their search engines is finding keywords that are compatible with what a user is looking for.
3. Open social media profiles . Make an effort to keep them updated. If, in addition to your website, you work on gaining a presence on social media, it will be even easier for your target audiences to find you and, in addition, you will be able to generate interactions with them that, at the end of the day, will benefit you with very useful information about what their needs and desires are so that you can adapt your strategies to them.
4. Plan for the short, medium and long term . However, be open to changing your strategies. In the digital world, everything is constantly changing; a user's behavior today can change drastically tomorrow, as can the search criteria of search engines, to name a few factors.
This forces SMEs to keep an open mind when creating and activating plans, especially when we talk about online marketing.
To know when it's time to make changes to your digital strategies, you must remain vigilant, measure everything, test, and seek out all the information you can find regarding your buyers' tastes, preferences, and experiences.
Every step taken through online marketing can and should be measured so that you can see what results it gave you. The Internet is organic and this means that, in many cases, you will have to go through trial and error before you fully understand how your users or buyers are behaving.
5. Take advantage of the benefits offered by online marketing tools . Among the most popular are emailing campaigns, through which you can send information with attractive designs to your current and potential clients, sending between 5,000 and up to 50,000 emails per month, having 500 to 5,000 subscribers, plus the advantage that your emails are accessible for viewing through mobile devices and, if you wish, even sharing them on Facebook and other networks.
As if all this were not enough, emailing campaigns are one of the most affordable methods economically speaking.