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12 Tips To Improve Google Search Engine Ranking

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 3:53 am
by shuklamojumder093
Google is the most popular search engine outside of China. To stand out on the Internet, you must not only write content for your readers , but also for Google's crawlers that are looking for new and updated pages to add to the index. SEO, or search engine optimization, involves taking a number of steps that often make the difference between content that is "just" interesting, and content that is popular.

First, identify a set of keywords related to the topic of each page on your website. Second, write copy optimized for these keywords . Having a Google account, such as a Gmail address, allows you to sign up for Google Ads and use the free keyword planning tool .

Make sure all pages on your site are optimized for mobile viewing. Popular CMSs, such as WordPress , always offer a way to test page display on PCs, tablets, and phones;

Write original and interesting content . You write to answer chief vp marketing officer email lists the questions and address the interests of a particular audience. The writing style should be direct, simple, and clear . It is not a good idea to force the user to read it again. If the material is really complex, you can always use a numbered list, or explanatory images.

What is your audience really searching for? A partial answer can be found at the bottom of any Google search results page among related searches. Alternatively, start typing in the Search box to see Google's autocomplete suggestions .


Upload your sitemap to Google as soon as you put your site online;

Once your site is online, register it with Google Search Console and constantly monitor the performance of your pages. This free tool allows you to determine exactly which keywords users are using to reach your site;

Excessive use of keywords is penalized by Google. Keywords should be entered in an appropriate variety and form . There are free tools such as SEO Yoast for WordPress that measure the incidence of these terms within the text . The most important word should always be included in the title ;

The meta description field of each page should never be blank. Google allows up to 158 characters. Along with the title and URL, the description is essential for SEO . An appropriate text here contains clear sentences and calls to action , for example the click on the link;

The alt-text field of each image on the page should be filled with a short sentence explaining the image itself . This practice is important for Google SEO;

Include both internal links to other pages on your website, as well as relevant external links . This is also an SEO practice valued by Google;

Break up your text into paragraphs with headings (or “heading tags”) to help users navigate quickly without having to read the entire piece of content. Headings attract attention;

Customize the URL when you create your web page. The URL should accurately reproduce the title of the page or, if the title is too long, shorten it without affecting the meaning and clarity.
Emailchef offers you a powerful, customizable tool to amplify your message . However, the content depends entirely on your ability to communicate it, in a way that is clearly visible to Google and, consequently, to web users.