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Deleting unusable leads

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:32 am
by Raihan8
Marketers suggested several criteria to identify the contacts that can be safely deleted from a CRM system.

"When we find an incomplete record on a contact, we usually talk to the stakeholders to find out whether or not it is a viable, qualified contact," said Matthew Boyle of Adventii.

"Most of the time, we end up deleting all incomplete contact records in the CRM and only focusing on the contacts that have complete information." "Once cleaned up, companies no longer waste time pursuing unqualified or useless leads."

CRM data cleaning prevents leads from "sitting on ice."

Gem Latimer of BabelQuest sees a common problem as "a large number of contacts either no longer exist as such or have unsubscribed." You can't reach them by email, but they take up storage space in your system - and that can cost extra.

“It’s a huge advantage to be able to track the number of email addresses that no longer exist and unsubscribes.”

“We use HubSpot and use the list tool to collect them in one place before going through them and figuring out a) if they aren’t needed and can be deleted, b) if they are an active prospect or customer and need to be contacted to ask why they unsubscribed (or update their email address if it was incorrect), or c) if they were bounced due to a system error.”

Nectafy uses a HubSpot filter to look for bad leads, explains Gabby Shultis.

“The exact parameters are different for each client, and so is the way the sales team identifies a bad lead,” says Shultis, but they typically use the following criteria:

The last time the contact visited was more than X days ago.

The contact hasn’t opened an email in more than X days.

The contact is not subscribed to the blog.

"By removing all the bad leads, they can focus on the contacts in their thailand country code database that matter - those with a good chance of becoming an MQL, SQL, or prospect."

4. CRM Data Cleansing: Create and Use a System Often

Whichever type of database cleanse you choose, it's important to be systematic about it. Once you have some rules in place for your sales and marketing teams to follow, make them a habit.

This will prevent further errors in the future and give you a single view of your customers through data cleanse. Whether you're dealing with duplicate, incomplete, or erroneous data in your CRM system, having a clear plan in place will put you in a better position.

Of course, the need for database cleanse can never be completely eliminated. CRM records will always contain some erroneous data. Customer data entered by humans often contains typos, inaccuracies, and other defects. But clean data sets require persistence. Putting a system in place and getting your teams working accordingly will save you a lot of time in the long run.

Learn more about how Insycle can help you clean HubSpot data and improve your overall data processing.