Closing thoughts
Valentine’s Day is a golden opportunity for brands to forge deeper connections with their audience through captivating marketing campaigns.
From transforming your website into a Valentine’s Day wonderland to offering secret promo codes, there are numerous ways to create a memorable and engaging customer experience.The customer journey from first learning about a brand to eventually making a purchase often has many steps. These can include clicking through to a landing page, browsing a category page, and completing an email sign-up form. None of these steps directly lead to the primary goal (making a sale), but they do indicate that a potential customer has a strong interest in a brand.
To understand how your customers spain email list are moving through your sales funnel, it’s crucial to track micro conversions. They provide insight into where your buyer journey has friction points and where you can better optimize it.
In this article, we’ll define what a micro conversion is and then take a look at 10 examples of micro conversions.
Let’s get started!
Why is tracking micro conversions important?
10 examples of micro conversions
How to track micro conversions?
What is a micro conversion?
In digital marketing, we break the desirable actions you want your potential customers to complete into two categories: primary goals and secondary actions.