The success of an email campaign depends first and foremost on the ability of your recipients to receive your messages. Deliverability, which measures this ability, is a key indicator of the effectiveness of this success. The deliverability rate of our customers' emails reaches an average of 90%, thus highlighting its importance for senders. It is the email providers who set the rules to guarantee this deliverability.
Gmail, with 1.5 billion active accounts 1 holds a dominant share of the global market, representing 72% of the total volume, followed by Yahoo! with 15%. These two leaders display the best deliverability rates, respectively 95% for Gmail and 92% for Yahoo! 2 . In this line, the latter two have announced changes to strengthen their anti-spam policies, which has raised many questions.
But don't panic! We are here to guide you by brazil mobile phone number list helping you understand the challenges of these developments by focusing on recommended practices to maintain an excellent sender reputation and ensure the success of your email campaigns . At each stage, Digitaleo seeks to support you to facilitate the implementation of these best practices.
1. Everything you need to know about Gmail and Yahoo!'s new rules
2. How does Digitaleo optimize your deliverability?
3. 4 essential good practices
gmail yahoo rules changes
1. Everything you need to know about Gmail and Yahoo!'s new rules
For what ?
Gmail and Yahoo! are aiming for two main goals with these new rules: improving the user experience , which is synonymous with engagement rates, and strengthening cybersecurity .
For when?
These changes, planned since 2022, have been implemented gradually since February 2024.
For whom?
All senders sending emails to Gmail and Yahoo! boxes are affected, with specific rules for mass senders (sending more than 5,000 emails per day).
How ?
Gmail and Yahoo! have a “reputation score” that they assign to each sender. These scores are calculated based on criteria such as sender identification , spam complaint rate , and the ability to unsubscribe easily .
As you have understood, there is nothing very new or very surprising: these rules were already recommended but are now becoming mandatory. Most of you should not encounter insurmountable obstacles! By respecting these rules, you should be able to preserve/improve the performance of your campaigns . Better still, if you use email sending services like Digitaleo, you will have practically nothing to do.
digitaleo optimizes deliverability
2. How does Digitaleo optimize your deliverability?
As a marketing tool offering the sending of email campaigns, Digitaleo has adapted to these developments, in 3 main areas:
Gmail and Yahoo! require three authentication protocols to be implemented , namely SPF, DKIM , and DMARC . Behind these technical terms lie simple rules:
identify yourself to prevent sender spoofing (SPF),
verify the integrity of the email content during transmission (DKIM),
define how to handle non-compliant emails , while regularly monitoring reports for potential issues (DMARC).
Digitaleo has complied with these rules to allow its users to send email campaigns with complete transparency.
Simplified unsubscription
Both providers require " one-click unsubscribe" specifically for promotional and commercial emails , a requirement that must be met by June 2024. In concrete terms, this means displaying an unsubscribe button outside the content of the email without redirecting to another page. Digitaleo has already integrated this practice for a long time by automatically adding unsubscribe buttons in emails during campaigns.
email campaign unsubscribe link
Example of a Digitaleo email campaign with a visible unsubscribe link
Spam rate reduced to 0.1%
Your spam rate is calculated based on the number of recipients who consider your email as spam compared to the total number of recipients of your campaign (i.e. 1 complaint for every 1,000 messages sent). To reduce these complaints, a clean contact base is essential by excluding those who have not given their consent ( opt-in ).
Digitaleo makes it easier to clean your databases by detecting hard bounces (invalid email addresses or inaccessible mail servers) before sending an email to avoid tests that impact your deliverability .
best practices email campaigns
3. 4 essential good practices
In addition to the measures we have already put in place, there are other best practices to follow to improve your deliverability rate :
Control your marketing pressure : Optimize your strategy by segmenting your database for more targeted and restricted mailings. Also adapt your sending frequency to avoid overload and stay present in the minds of your recipients.
Collect explicit opt-ins : Make sure your checkboxes and forms express a clear request for consent that is unchecked by default.
Maintain your database by isolating inactive contacts : delete contacts who have not opened or responded to your emails for an extended period of time, as this helps maintain a clean and engaged database. Setting the rules defining an inactive contact from the Digitaleo platform allows you to obtain a contact database adapted to your criteria.
Distinguish your promotional and commercial emails from your transactional emails by optimizing your email content and avoiding certain keywords commonly associated with spam.
To help you choose your keywords,
We have prepared a small practical guide for you:
Email Deliverability: Spam Words
By following these best practices, you will have every chance of significantly improving your deliverability rate in compliance with the new Gmail and Yahoo! rules.
Email deliverability is essential for the success of your campaigns. To maintain or improve your performance on this indicator, it is therefore necessary to comply with the new rules established by Gmail and Yahoo! using an emailing tool like Digitaleo to facilitate your compliance but also with daily best practices.
Beyond email, don't forget to vary your communication channels to reach your targets more effectively and maximize the impact of your campaigns. SMS, voice messages or social networks allow for stronger communication to reach your different targets while maintaining balanced marketing pressure.
New Gmail and Yahoo rules: your deliverability optimized by Digitaleo
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- Joined: Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:26 am