An increasingly global phenomenon

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An increasingly global phenomenon

Post by jsarmin »

Sales that continue to grow
The Black Friday shopping phenomenon has not yet peaked, at least when measured by the overall volume of sales generated. In the United States, Adobe Analytics has analysed the annual upward trend of this figure since 2014 (as reported by NBC and Moosend ), with only a slight decline in 2021. In 2022, total spending on Black Friday purchases rose again to $9.12 billion, 2.3% more than the previous year. On a normal day, global sales are around $2 billion.

01-Black Friday Sales Evolution-NBC News
Source: NBC News

Meanwhile, e-commerce platform Shopify collects data from around the world. Its reports indicate that in 2022 its stores generated $3.36 billion in sales on Black Friday, which is a 17% increase over 2021. Over the entire weekend, Shopify e-commerce sales reached $7.5 billion, a 19% increase compared to the previous year.

Cyber ​​Monday generates higher sales volume than Black Friday
It may seem surprising, but the data leaves no room for denmark telegram data doubt. In recent years, Cyber ​​Monday has always surpassed Black Friday in sales volume, although it is a little less known among the population. In the United States, for example, $2 billion more in sales were generated on this date than on Black Friday in 2022. The expectations generated by Black Friday offers go beyond one day and companies reserve their best offers for the final moment.

Furthermore, as reflected by Statista , Spain is one of the European countries where Cyber ​​Monday is best known, surpassed only by the United Kingdom in 2021.

Black Friday is celebrated the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday. Its origins are therefore linked to the United States and its epicentre remains in this country. However, in recent years it has crossed borders to become a global phenomenon. In 2021, Black Friday Global recorded a worldwide increase in sales of 663% compared to a normal day, spread across all regions of the world.
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