Whenever new technologies emerge, we tend to believe that the old ones will fall into disuse. This is often the case, but not always.
This is the case of television vs. the internet, where many benin phone number data believed that TV would quickly disappear, but it continues to have its share of relevance in society.
Is television dying?
And the same is true of the advertising market. With the boom in social media, many professionals believe that other forms of marketing, such as email marketing, no longer work. They are wrong.
According to data released by the State of Marketing 2022 report, prepared by HubSpot, in partnership with Rock Content, Litmus and Wistia, email marketing is considered the most effective channel, even ahead of organic search and social media.
One of the reasons why email marketing is so beneficial for businesses is its high ROI. In the United States, for every US$1 invested in this channel, the return can be around US$36. This is because email management platforms are relatively low-cost and can reach hundreds, thousands, or even millions of contacts at once.
Furthermore, email marketing is highly “customizable”, making communication with the public more focused and personal. In addition to personalizing name, position, company and location tags, for example, it is also possible to refine groups according to the purchasing journey. This way, customers can be impacted with more assertive communication for the moment they are in, increasing the chances of them returning.
How to use email marketing to convert and retain customers
And we can't forget the insights that email marketing campaigns bring not only to themselves but to the entire content strategy. In addition to observing the opening and click rates, it is possible to analyze which links are clicked the most, which designs attract the most attention and which type of audience clicks on which link.
And you, do you usually use email marketing in your strategy or will you rethink its use after reading this?