Even though a personalized subject line can easily improve your outreach open rates, your email copy is the most important element when it comes to standing out from the crowd and getting effective results from your cold outreach.
Make sure your email openers are both personalized (recipient's first name and company) and answer a very important question: Why are you reaching out? This is where actionable data in your CRM comes into play. Using details on their contact and company record, you can further personalize the pain points in this outreach and align it to your other content and advertising material they see in the market.
After that, you may want to explain how your products dentist database or services can help your prospect solve this pain point. By the end of your copy, you should also add a CTA that will motivate your recipient and (hopefully) improve your response rate.
6. Don’t forget to follow up
Not all your B2B leads will respond to your initial outreach. That’s reasonable; don’t forget that you are trying to connect with important decision-makers who might receive hundreds of emails per day. This is why follow-up sequences are a must.
A well-rounded follow-up sequence should never be pushy, and should offer different value points in different emails. For example, if your first touchpoint offers to share a new piece of relevant content but yields no response, later touchpoints in your sequence should either reframe the content offer from a different value point or present another asset entirely. There are multiple templates and automation tools that you can use to make sure that your follow-up emails are personalized, such as Sequences and Workflows in HubSpot.
7. Add a clear and simple CTA
In general, CTAs can be used as an effective email sign-off. As noted above, the first step is to personalize the content of your email and explain why your company will be a valuable partner for your prospect.
But none of that will drive lead generation if you don’t present prospects with a clear next step. As such, a CTA should be simple and clear while driving urgency. Phrases like ‘Claim your discount today’ and ‘Book your demo now’ are good examples; they are transparent about what will happen next, and encourage recipients to do something about it immediately — not later, when their needs have become less urgent.