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Number Marketing Takes Away All Humanity

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:40 am
by tonmoypramanik
Here I am talking about something that concerns me directly.

I fell into this trap.

I have been in Marketing since the mid-2000s and have always had an appetite for numbers.

Those who know me know that numbers reassure me and I am obsessed with them – but less and less so.

This is also the case for my clients and a large majority of marketers.

The days of “Marketing, we know how much it costs but we never know how much it brings in!” are long gone.

With the digitalization of Marketing , we now have an infinite list of indicators that we can follow to check the performance of our actions in real time.

And it's cool

Being able to identify the actions that work and those that do not allows us to india email list optimize our actions in real time and therefore the return on investment.

But that's the trap

I created my agency in 2013, at the same time I launched this blog and started communicating daily on social networks.

At first, I communicated as sincerely as possible, driven by my values ​​and my character.

This is how I built my brand image and that of my agency.

Then, as the months went by, I started to make my decisions based solely on the number of likes or visitors to my website.

At the time, I even said on social media that Marketing was a science.


These optimizations have allowed me to generate growth, leads and customers.

I increased my number of followers on social networks for a while.

And then finally, since there are not 36,000 actions that work optimally – by definition – I ended up communicating like a robot and above all… Like everyone else.

After 2 years, I hit a glass ceiling and my KPIs stopped growing.

Worse, all engagement-related KPIs have declined.

And you know why? Because I had lost all authenticity.

Now I've gotten back into my good old habits and the numbers are starting to rise again.

Coincidence? I don't think so

In any case, thank you all for being more and more numerous to read me and follow me on the web
Marketing Automation accentuates the phenomenon
I do Marketing Automation . For myself and for my clients.

For me, Marketing Automation is a real opportunity to put people back at the center of your strategy.

Unfortunately, too many companies abuse it

Marketing Automation is an opportunity to save time spent on low value-added tasks and invest it in providing added value to the customer.

Marketing Automation allows salespeople to speak only to interested, engaged and qualified prospects.

The goal here is to save time so salespeople can provide more value to their prospects.

Marketing Automation is also a great tool for collecting the information and data needed to properly understand the buyer's expectations and behaviors, which is essential as seen in the first part.

The idea here is to offer its prospects and customers a unique experience.

However, too many companies perceive Marketing Automation as a tool to only save time and increase productivity.

The time saved with Marketing Automation, they don't allocate to prospects or customers. They keep it thinking it's beneficial for their ROI.


The modern buyer requires us to review our methods
The cool thing is that the modern buyer is not fooled .

He more or less understands the concepts of Marketing but he is aware that the actions carried out by companies only aim to convince him to buy.

The modern buyer is therefore becoming more suspicious and above all more demanding.

All the more so since he is overwhelmed with marketing messages and it is essential for him to sort them strictly and quickly (almost instantly!).

The modern buyer therefore expects the company to offer them a unique experience, meeting in every way their expectations, their timing and above all their values.

Price and service are no longer enough.

To convince the modern buyer, you must show them that you are doing everything to satisfy their needs and solve their problems.

You must no longer sell. You must help.

You should no longer push worthless marketing messages. You need to send the right message to the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

creating an email is sending the right message to the right person at the right time
You must anticipate the questions that the buyer will ask in their thinking in order to provide them with relevant and authentic answers.

In B2B, the decision-maker no longer chooses a company. He chooses a person.

Our clients don't sign with us to work with SLN Web. They sign to work with Ludo and/or Seb.

Authenticity will revolutionize Marketing!