Whoever gets close to influencers, good shade (mostly) shelters them

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Whoever gets close to influencers, good shade (mostly) shelters them

Post by samiaseo75 »

Influencers have become an absolutely essential piece in the marketing puzzle for advertisers. And it seems that brands are doing well by hanging on the arm of influencers. According to a report by Warc and Impact.com , 65 % of marketers say that collaborations with influencers are successful more often than they fail.

12% of marketers are even more optimistic and believe that jamaica phone number data collaborations with influencers almost always work . In contrast, 21% of marketers believe that such collaborations are met with failure more often than success, and 2% complain that influencer marketing almost never results in green shoots.

Both marketers and influencers surveyed by Warc and Impact.com in their report agree that the best type of collaboration between the two parties is one in which the creator creates content that puts a particular brand in the spotlight.

However, while 72% of influencers believe that it is effective for creators to report on the use of a particular brand on social media , only 42% of marketers share the same opinion.
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