Friendship Day: origin and ideas to celebrate

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Friendship Day: origin and ideas to celebrate

Post by nurnobi40 »

On July 20th, we celebrate Friendship Day, a special date dedicated to celebrating friendship . Originating in Argentina and inspired by the arrival of man on the moon, this day reminds us of the importance of the bonds that unite us.

Friendship is a fundamental pillar in our lives. Friends are those who support us, share moments and help us overcome challenges . This Friendship Day, reflect on the connections you value and find ways to express your gratitude.

In this blog, we will explore the origin of Friendship Day, the different types and how to celebrate this day in the corporate environment.

Origin of Friendship Day
Friendship Day and International Friendship Day, celebrated on July 20, originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina, through an official decree. The celebration, which began locally, gradually spread to other parts of the world, and is now recognized and celebrated in many countries.

The date was conceived by Argentine Enrique Ernesto Febbraro , who saw the arrival of man on the moon as a symbol of unity among peoples. He believed that this historic event demonstrated humanity's ability to achieve great things when working together.

The first celebration of Friendship Day aimed to honor man's arrival on the Moon , symbolizing that, united, human beings can overcome challenges considered almost impossible.

Why is Friendship Day important?
Friendship benefits people’s lives in different ways. Take a look at the reasons why friendship is important:

Friendship builds emotional resilience. Sharing good honduras phone number data times with people you love and having a network of friends to help you through the bad times makes it easier to navigate the ups and downs that life inevitably throws at us.
Friendship Boosts Brain Power. The University of Michigan found that hanging out with other people—even for just ten minutes—will improve your problem-solving skills and brain power.
Friendship can improve your sleep . Did you know that friendship can even help improve your sleep? In a study, the University of Chicago found that people become more restless during sleep if they don't socialize.
Friendships make people healthier . A study conducted at the University of North Carolina found that people without strong connections have higher rates of abdominal obesity and high blood pressure.
Different types of friendships
Friendships can be incredibly diverse. They can take many forms and can transcend differences in age, gender, religion, culture, distance, and even language barriers.

Friendships involve a mutual understanding and a shared spirit of solidarity and can develop because two people have a lot in common. Friends may see each other daily or even live together, while others may go years without being in the same place , and friends who originally met online may never meet in person.

Considering some of the many different types of friendships that can be formed can help you appreciate the diversity of your own social connections or encourage you to build more friendships . Some common types of friendships include the following.

Childhood friendships
Childhood friendships are formed during the formative years, typically with peers of the same or similar age. These connections are often founded on having shared experiences, such as school or extracurricular activities. Friendships can be a healthy part of childhood and adolescence, as they provide young people with opportunities to build important relationship skills and connect with others outside of their families who understand what they are going through at their age.

Some people maintain their childhood friendships throughout their lives and become old friends , while others naturally lose touch with these friends over time after going in different directions in life.
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