What is marketing?

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What is marketing?

Post by arzina221 »

The Enneagram
I formulated the six p-steps of content marketing based on an age-old figure known as the enneagram. When people have heard or read about the enneagram, it is usually about the nine personality types. A huge amount has been published about this worldwide in the form of books, articles, podcasts, DVDs, CDs and games. I structured my article about the 9 pitfalls of content marketing based on this psychological model.

Intriguing rules
Few people know that the enneagram is also a universal process model . All processes, including content marketing processes, can be projected onto the mysterious figure composed of a circle, an equilateral triangle and a strange six-pointed figure. The knowledge about the enneagram was brought to the West in the first half of the last century by the esoteric teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1877-1949). I myself first saw the enneagram in 1985, when I read the book In Search of the Miraculous by Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky. The following lines were included with the image of the enneagram, which have intrigued me ever since:

“The enneagram is a universal symbol. Every completed whole, every cosmos, every organism, every plant is an enneagram. All knowledge can be summarized in the enneagram and can be interpreted with its help. Someone who is alone in the desert and draws the enneagram in the sand can read from it the eternal laws of the universe.”

The equilateral triangle in the enneagram refers macedonia phone data to the so-called law of three . This indicates that three forces are always needed to make a process work. I learned the principles of the marketing triangle from the American marketing guru Dan Kennedy , who refers to it in his books and workshops. The marketing triangle can often be used to determine where the shoe pinches for a specific situation.

Marketing can be defined as the promotion of sales of products and services by ensuring that the right messages are delivered to people in the right markets through the right media. In the marketing triangle, the three forces all start with an m: messages, media, and markets. When these three forces are connected in the right way, you can achieve the desired results. In content marketing, this can range from watching a video to buying a product or service, and from requesting a free report to liking or sharing content.

8 combinations marketing triangle Arend Landman coordinate system
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