examined. Large and sudden data flows that may occur in database activities are the biggest clues of APT attacks.
Hash attacks are also an indicator of APT attacks because they are usually performed on transitive storage or various memories where password data is kept. This opens the way for hackers to verify new identities.
Attacks, also known as targeted phishing emails, are one of the biggest signs of any APT attack. APT hackers send emails to higher-level employees to help them gather the necessary information.
The most difficult situation that can be accepted regarding APTs is probably that none of the processes carried out to protect against APTs protect the servers 100%. In order to protect against APTs, in addition morocco telegram number to standard security measures and antivirus programs, different defense tactics that can be carried out by security teams in cooperation are required. The following methods can be tried additionally to protect against APT attacks:
Monitoring Traffic:
As we mentioned before, logging into servers at odd intervals or sudden increases and growths in server traffic are signs of APT attacks. Therefore, monitoring server traffic is important to detect APT attacks and take the necessary precautions early.
Whitelisting, or whitelisting, allows you to control which domains or applications on your server are accessible. Whitelisting will help you to fend off hacker attacks. In order for the whitelisting process to work, the employees responsible for protecting your servers must carefully select the domains and applications on your server. In the meantime, they must follow the updates frequently and not neglect to update in order to minimize the security vulnerability.
To learn more about Whitelist, also known as the white list, you can check out our article titled “ What is Whitelist? ”
Ensuring Strict Access Controls:
As we mentioned before, the easiest way for APT employees to infiltrate a server is to hack the employees on the server. For this reason, you can adopt the Zero Trust principle for your server. This principle limits the levels of all kinds of accounts that can be on your server and only makes your server available for use when needed. Thanks to this process, even if your employee violates their security procedures, any APT attack that can enter your server will be limited to the network.
How to Prevent APT?
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