Advantages of Showing Expenses in Joint Stock Companies

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Advantages of Showing Expenses in Joint Stock Companies

Post by mdarafat5724 »

Showing expenses in joint stock companies , like showing expenses in limited and sole proprietorship companies, allows institutions to save on VAT difference, income tax and corporate tax.

For this reason, people who establish a joint stock company also show certain expenses as joint stock company expenses.

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Advantages of Showing Expenses in Joint Stock Companies

What Expenses Can Be Shown in Joint Stock Companies?

Just as people who will establish a sole proprietorship are looking for an bosnia and herzegovina whatsapp data answer to the question of what expenses can be shown in sole proprietorships, people who will establish a joint-stock company are also looking for an answer to the question of what expenses can be shown in joint-stock companies. Let's take a detailed look at what expenses can be shown in joint-stock companies.

The first area that can be shown as an expense in joint stock companies is food expenses. However, the expenses must be made in the name of the company, as is done when showing as an expense in limited companies.
Travel expenses, which are among the expenses shown in individual and limited companies, can also be shown as expenses in joint stock companies.
Company-owned vehicles, insurance and fuel costs are also among the expenses that can be shown as expenses.
The expense items of joint stock companies include personnel and their travel and food expenses.
Rentals of vehicles rented by companies up to 6000 TL can also be deducted from taxes.
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