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Also in this first stage of ideation, the following important factors must be taken into account.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:59 am
by subornaakter40
Idea generation (ideation)
The first stage of new product development begins with the generation of the idea or ideation of what the new product or service will be. This initial step consists of brainstorming to begin to conceptually shape a product . This is done through in-depth market research, which not only investigates the needs and expectations of customers, but also detects the latest market trends and analyzes competitors' strategies taking into account their strengths and weaknesses.

In addition to brainstorming, it is worth clarifying that the departments responsible for product development already include in their product portfolio a list of initiatives, proposals or belize telegram data ideas that have already been previously proposed . Doing this allows them to acquire a history or background of information, which, although not approved at the time, could be reconsidered in the future.

Target market : represents the profile of the consumer for whom your product or service is directed. It is the first link that you must identify to understand the approach on which you are going to develop the initial concept in order to move through the process on a secure basis, since if you do not know your target market in depth, you will not be able to correctly segment the potential clients who could be interested in your value proposition.
Existing products : Once the concept of the new product or service is ready, it is advisable to carry out a survey or evaluation of the products or services that are already part of your business model, in order to check what differential value the new product development can bring to your brand or how it can complement the solutions already provided by the other products in your portfolio.
Functionality – Do you know the specific functions your new product will have? If you don’t have this answer yet, you should at least have a product design and a general perspective on how it could improve your customers’ lives.
SWOT analysis : here you must analyze the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats that your new product or service should face when starting its development. This will allow you to gain greater visibility of this process, focusing your efforts on those attributes that make it scalable and mitigating the risks that could put you at a disadvantage compared to the competition.
SCAMPER Method : This method seeks to give concrete form to the idea in order to continue with what will be the next stage in the development of new products or services. Everything presented and researched up to this point must be summarized in a concept that is polished enough to continue moving forward with a clear vision of what your new product will be, what public it is aimed at, what its main characteristics are and what value it adds to people.