What to do if you encounter a wrong way driver?

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What to do if you encounter a wrong way driver?

Post by Monira65 »

The first thing to do if you are in the path of a wrong-way driver is to stop and flash your lights or honk your horn. Then, call 911. During a recent Taconic NY State Parkway incident, eight people were killed, including four children. While this accident was tragic, many people in the wrong-way driver’s path managed to avoid being hit by the high-speed wrong-way driver.

The best way to defend yourself against a wrong-way driver is to:

Stay calm
Drive slowly
Avoiding sudden movements
Avoid swerving and stay in your lane
This will help you avoid a collision with the wrong-way uk phone data driver. If you cannot stay calm, consider honking your car horn. A wrong-way driver may not have the same intentions as you, so you should avoid swerving as it can cause an accident.

Call 911
The first step in defending yourself against a wrong-way driver is to move to the side of the road as quickly as possible. Then, call 911 and report the wrong-way driver. While you are waiting for the police to arrive, try to maintain a high visual horizon. Increasing your visibility to the roadway far ahead will increase your ability to judge if there are other hazards. You can then move away from immediate danger.

Drive Defensively
Defensive driving tactics are essential if you want to stay safe on the road. It will reduce the risk of collisions by matching the speed of the traffic you’re driving toward as closely as possible. You also need to maintain a proper distance between your vehicle and any other vehicles in front of you. It’s best to use your eyes as much as possible. Keep an eye on other drivers, pedestrians, and bikes as well. Stay alert for impaired drivers and adjust your speed accordingly.
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