Under the name of General Telecommunications australia whatsapp data
Law 11/2022 of June 28, there is a regulation that practically completely repeals the previous General Telecommunications Law 9/2014 of May 9. It is responsible for regulating the electronic communications networks and services sector in Spain , and has its origin in the obligation to transpose the European Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 11, 2018, according to which the European Electronic Communications Code is established .
The aim of this is to update the types of communications services provided on the Internet, distinguishing between those that offer access to the network, those that allow interpersonal communications and those that are limited to transporting signals.
What is the point of the Telecommunications Law that has just come into force?
In its sixth final provision, section 2, the new General Telecommunications Law establishes that the provisions of article 66 1.b) “ will enter into force within one year from the publication of this law in the “Official State Gazette”. This refers “to unsolicited communications made to end users of publicly available interpersonal communication services based on numbering”.
Specifically, this point indicates that the aforementioned end users will have the right “ not to receive unwanted calls for commercial communication purposes , unless there is prior consent from the user to receive this type of commercial communications or unless the communication can be covered by another basis of legitimacy of those provided for in article 6.1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the processing of personal data”.
Thus, simplifying and translating everything into a more understandable language, since June 29, 2023, companies that market goods and services through number-based systems, such as Call Centers , cannot make unwanted commercial calls (also known as telephone 'spam' ) to those users or customers who have not previously given them express consent to do so .
What has been the situation since the Law came into force and this point was activated?
In total, a year has passed since the new Telecommunications Act came into force and its article 66.1 b) has done the same. A period in which, according to the regulations themselves, the aforementioned users of these services have been able to “exercise the right to oppose receiving unwanted calls for commercial communication purposes that are made through systems other than those established in article 66.1.a) and to be informed of this right ” .