Marketing and politics are two fields that can complement each other france whatsapp data perfectly to achieve great results. For this reason, many political parties prepare their strategies for election periods in advance, with the intention of improving the opinion that citizens have of them, attracting those voters who are still undecided and strengthening the position of their voters.
Therefore, its purpose is to create a positive opinion about them, creating a good reputation for them so that, when the moment of truth comes, they receive the support of the voters .
Naturally, this marketing specialty becomes especially important in the months leading up to election periods , because it is during these months that the parties need to make a difference. So their work is intensified during these periods and those responsible for them set themselves several goals:
Inform the electorate and, in particular, potential voters about the characteristics of the party, its history, its political programme and its member.
Share the values that distinguish political formation and present them as virtues.
Encourage voter participation and gain their trust .
Build a community around the political group and generate a sense of belonging .
Gain commitment and loyalty so that voters choose this party over the competition.
But once the elections are held and the results are in, political marketing must remain an important part of the parties' communication strategies . By creating campaigns, it will be possible to continue to strengthen the community that has been created, as well as attract new voters and inform about all the news that occurs in the party.
Why choose telemarketing when creating an electoral campaign?
In political marketing, the choice of channel is important , since the way in which the 'client' is treated is very specific. As we have just seen, trust is a key aspect, since ideology and political thought are usually in the private sphere . In this way, the personalization of the message and proximity are 'ingredients' that cannot be missing in a good electoral campaign.
That said, it is much easier to understand why the telephone is one of the most requested marketing solutions by communication managers of political parties and candidates. After all, it has certain features that are tailored to their needs:
Brings the party closer to its electorate
In politics, connecting with citizens is essential . One of the biggest problems that a politician can face is being seen coldly by the public, as someone who is alien to the everyday problems and interests of society. And this is where telemarketing is most advantageous, because by transmitting the message one-on-one, a greater interconnection is created and the 'barriers' are eliminated .