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Conference, training, event website - how to do it right

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:49 am
by olivia25
In this article I will discuss the topic of creating an event page (or event, because this Polonization has become a permanent fixture in our country) - a conference, training based on our experience gained while creating the Effective Work System service, which we created for an open training organized by the Academy of Competence Development .

This article will discuss the topic of building the page itself, while in the next entry I will discuss aspects related to promotion, marketing and how to approach the topic of selling tickets for training or another event.

Where does the growing interest in events come from?
You can skip this paragraph and go straight to the next, more substantive one, but I think it is worth mentioning where the growing trend and interest in industry events, trainings and workshops came from, despite the general availability of materials on the Internet.

In recent years, the possibilities of deepening your knowledge and skills have expanded significantly. Gaining knowledge is no longer associated only with the need to go to higher united arab emirates b2b leads education or postgraduate studies. Today, you can train in any field in many ways. We have YouTube, Udemy online courses, internet forums, Facebook groups. The Internet has completely changed the forms and accessibility of knowledge.

What these methods of learning lack is the lack of contact with a live person. Watching a YouTube video, even if it is streamed online, is not the same as physical contact in real life, and YouTube or an Influencer is not the same as a recognized specialist in their industry, and their knowledge and experience will not always be available online. In addition, direct contact is not the same as watching a stream from an event. These are different emotions, different energy. And thirdly, taking part in an event is also an opportunity to meet other people in the industry, an opportunity to network, exchange experiences, talk, which we probably won't achieve on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Fortunately, the offline area has also been very well developed in recent years. Of course, we are talking about various types of events - trainings, conferences, workshops, fairs and other industry events.

Not that it didn't happen before, because that's not true, but certainly not on such a scale as it is now. Especially in areas such as modern marketing, social marketing, e-commerce, personal development, improving work efficiency, time management and many other specialist areas, in which previously there were very few or no events of this type.

Of course, this is no coincidence. These areas have been developing strongly in recent years, interest in them has increased, which was met with a response from the market.

The second important aspect of this trend is the growing interest in non-textbook knowledge. Today, practical skills and knowledge count, not theoretical knowledge, which is often difficult to use at work and in everyday life.


Additionally, as Maciej Sasin an advisor and trainer with over 13 years of experience, owner of the Academy of Competence Development, emphasizes, there is a growing interest in training not only among management staff but also among lower-level employees.

"Training used to be associated with going out of town and a good party. Few employees cared about real knowledge that they could use in their work. Today, it looks completely different. The current working generation is actually interested in improving their qualifications, which is why they are eager and active participants in training. They do not need to be persuaded or motivated to do so." Maciej Sasin says in the interview.

The growing interest in training has been met with a growing supply of training, workshops and other industry events, which are often accompanied by valuable presentations by specialists, bloggers and influencers. In a word, the average Joe has a lot to choose from.

In this article, by events I mean:

Industry events, such as trade fairs , where admission for visitors is usually free, but registration is required as a form of remuneration.

Typical training and scientific events - conferences, training courses, workshops, for which it is usually necessary to purchase a ticket.

Event Page Goals
Why are we creating a dedicated event page? Of course, there will be several goals.

The primary goals come from the nature of the event itself, which we organize to meet people interested in a given topic, i.e. our target group.

So the primary goals of the event page are:

Sell ​​as many tickets as possible for the event - in the case of paid participation;

Get as many user registrations as possible - in the case of free participation.

Additional objectives are:
Provide substantive information about the event - program, trainers;

We will provide technical information about the event - where, when.

When to create a dedicated event page
Should every event have a dedicated website? Of course, it depends on the event.

In my opinion, the most important reasons for creating a dedicated website for an event are:

Building a brand around the event - if we want to organize an event regularly and build publicity around it, a dedicated website will definitely be very helpful

Prestige - we want to raise the prestige and importance of the event, show that we take it seriously and treat participants in the same way.

When we don't necessarily need a dedicated event page:

We do not want to build a brand around the event - even if we want to organize the event periodically, but, for example, we focus on building a personal brand and organize training, workshops - in such a case, the event page may be a subpage of our personal website, blog;

We are not interested in emphasizing prestige - for example, we organize an event for people from our Facebook group and we do not go beyond these people.

Pros and cons of a dedicated event page
You may wonder what are the pros and cons of creating a dedicated website.

Advantages of creating a dedicated event page:
Own domain - we can match it to the training topic, we can use it in promotional activities;

We raise the profile of the event - if a user sees that the event has its own page, which is well done and makes a good impression, they naturally transfer their positive feelings to the event itself, the first impression effect works here;

Possibility to build interest by publishing valuable materials on the training topic - case studies, videos, podcasts;