Gray Matters is a business development consultancy that uses Pipedrive to analyze their clients' sales funnels
With this information, Gray Matters identified industry trends and created specialized products for creative agencies.
Thanks to Pipedrive, Gray Matters increased their conversion rate from 20% to 30% in the last 18 months
After more than a decade in sales, Adam Graham created Gray Matters , a business development consultancy that helps creative agencies grow, attract and win new clients.
The company helps creative and marketing agencies with business development, positioning, identifying themselves, knowing who to target and how to attract that audience. They also help agencies with sales.
“Many business owners lack sales experience. Our job is to teach them, train them and show them how to sell more efficiently and adopt a sales model,” Adam explains.
Drawing on his experience, Adam has used many CRM systems, and when he founded Gray Matters he used Google Sheets to store his sales data and save money.
But when she realized she needed a more powerful, yet affordable tool to manage her prospect data and sales pipeline, she turned to Pipedrive.
How to leave spreadsheets behind
Adam used Google Sheets, “because it was customized exactly how he needed it.”
However, as Gray Matters began to expand, Adam quickly realized that they were missing out on opportunities with spreadsheets.
That's why he looked for a CRM that had the same flexibility of adaptation that spreadsheets offered.
“The ability to customize everything was what attracted me to Pipedrive. It’s the feature I’m most interested in in a CRM system. The ability to tag someone, a prospect, or a customer in seconds.”
More discoveries with Pipedrive
Adam quickly discovered that with the custom fields feature , as well as other Pipedrive features, he had the potential to achieve so much more.
“Pipedrive was a game changer in the way we report, and again, custom fields help us in data collection,” says Adam.
“The ability to aggregate different data sources and inputs allows us to analyze our customers and prospects in different ways and that impacts the strategy we use.”
“Now we start adding fields like: when the company overseas chinese in europe data was founded, the size of the business, the turnover. And when we look at the data, we can understand when we won or lost, and why.”
“We now understand our conversion rates for a given audience and how we could be more successful and promote our services to those particular audiences in a different way. It also tells us where we are not doing well and that has led to product development.”
“We develop new products for a specific audience because we see a trend from the sales data we have in Pipedrive.”
Adam Graham, Gray Matters Case Study
Improvements in all indicators
“Since we started using Pipedrive, we’ve seen improvements across all metrics, from more sales to existing customers to new ones,” Adam tells us.
“For us, the biggest thing is transparency,” he continues. “Having the ability to see how our relationship has progressed with each client or prospect. Being able to go in, see notes, and share them with different employees and freelancers. That way we don’t waste unnecessary time updating them on a prospect, there’s no overlap of tasks, so we don’t damage the brand if someone jumps into something without knowing the background of a deal.”