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The importance of defining your business's buyer persona

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 10:17 am
by olivia25
We could say that it is the fictional representation of who our consumers are; for this reason, the importance of defining the buyer persona of your business is so important, since it will guide you to be more assertive with the decisions and investments that mark the direction towards where and how to manage your company. These are some of the advantages of having your consumer well studied:

1.- Brand image. Definition of logos, images, and even the tone and values ​​that should be used to generate connection.

2.- Where is my buyer persona? Nowadays, the audience that consumes each media is very well segmented. Knowing your buyer persona will allow you to invest resources in those that are most in demand: social networks, blogs, and internet searches.

3.- What do they like to watch? Knowing their interests and concerns, you can generate content regarding those topics that attract their attention.

4.- New lines of business. There are probably other types of clients that we can reach by speaking to them in a different way.

How to define the Buyer Persona?

Let's remember that this is a process, and like any process, it will require us to invest time and effort to do it in the best way. We start with certain questions that range from a more personal aspect to getting to the details and behaviors more related to our product/service.

One of the characteristics that we recommend not to overlook is the identification of “pain” , and we are not referring to physical pain as such, but to those needs or myanmar b2b leads motivations that our product or service solves for our future clients. Once we know that “pain” , we will immediately have in front of us the driver that will push them to search for and buy a product like ours. Below we share with you some of the questions that we recommend you ask yourself in the definition process:

1.- How would you describe yourself?

2.- What is the level of the job position you hold or the level of seniority?

3.- What do you value most? What are you trying to achieve?

4.- What are your weak points or what causes you “pain”? What problems are you struggling with that you can help you solve?

5.- What are their most common objections to your products or services?

6.- What is your demographic information? How old are you and what is your income range and education level?

7.- What experience do they want when searching for products or services like yours?

8.- What is a normal day in your life like?

9.- Where do they go to get information?


Once you have answered the questions, the next step is to create your persona as such, for which you must give them a name and create their own identity. Here is an example of how you can bring the information obtained from the research to present it in a more attractive way:

Buyer Persona

Now, how many buyer personas can or should I have? There really isn't a correct answer, this depends on the services your company offers and the diversity of your portfolio; the recommendation is to have at least one very well-defined one that will serve as a basis for developing the marketing plan .