Steps to improve Yandex.Direct efficiency

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Steps to improve Yandex.Direct efficiency

Post by subornaakter40 »

Improving the efficiency of Yandex.Direct always occurs on an individual basis. There are no universal methods for improving the performance of advertising campaigns. Rates are constantly adjusted and ineffective targeting is disabled in accordance with the client's needs. Moreover, the client is often not ready to wait until statistical significance is achieved; he may not have the funds. In Yandex.Direct, the main optimization is carried out in the "Campaign - Ad groups - Display conditions" plane.

Check your search queries and sites
Before you optimize your targeting, you should make sure that your campaign is not targeting irrelevant search queries or low-quality sites.

Search queries

It is more effective to evaluate search queries loan officer email list sorted by impressions. Often, specialists analyze only those queries that were clicked. This way, you can find problem areas without spending a lot of time. However, it is important to pay special attention to search queries that were not clicked, but had many impressions. It is in them that many "garbage" queries are often hidden.

7 steps to improve Yandex.Direct efficiency

Let's say a company sells spare parts for washing machines in Moscow. The analysis revealed a query "buy spare parts for washing machines in Vladimir", which had 100 impressions and three clicks. It is obvious that the key needs to be disabled, and this became clear when viewing queries by clicks.

Or another example. The search query "buy gucci belt" has 250 impressions, but not one click. When searching by clicks, such a query can be missed, and accordingly, it will continue to have a negative impact on CTR and cost per click.

Show locations

It makes sense to look at the cost of conversion, not the relevance of the site. Sites are extremely heterogeneous, so there may be deviations from the average cost of conversion within the margin of error. The site is only disabled if the cost of conversion for it exceeds the average price by two times.

The content of the site should not be a factor influencing the decision to disable it. Even if the ad is shown to the target audience while visiting "non-serious" sites, this does not mean that they will not pay attention to it. If a person is actively searching for something, they will click on the ad with a high degree of probability.

Evaluate your targeting
In some campaigns, the number of conversions is extremely low and it becomes impossible to evaluate keywords, optimization in this case occurs only at the campaign level. We will consider the opposite situation: the conversion is very high, so you can safely analyze statistics even by keywords. Optimization begins with the "Campaign + display condition" section.
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